Welcome to the grind - post your daily exploits here No driving for me today but did a 52.9 mile bike ride (longest this year)
Thanks Bill - enjoyed it Family lunch at a pub today, charity shop drop off after: 3 Drives Total Miles Driven 16.83 Rated Miles Used 18.19 Efficiency 92.52 % Time Driven 35 Minutes kWh Used 3.9 kWh Wh/Mile 231 Wh
The AI estimates 3.4 kWh expended at a 15 mile per hour pace. Nice going! (Even if it is just a ballpark figure..)
Friday Jan 31 : From Aurora to Bloomfield Hills, 302 miles, 60.2 mpg Temperature between 37 and 40 deg F. Monday Feb 3 : Back home to Aurora 310.1 miles, fcd = 62.9 mpg. Temperature between 38 and 48 deg F. All numbers are from fcd, uncorrected.
Back in the Fit. Today it is 28 deg F in Naperville and also in Elk Grove. Wind NW 9 33.4 miles, fcd = 46.9 mpg
Warm this morning - 43F and 5mph wind from the north. 59.3mpg on the fcd over 18.3 miles. Warmer temperature and traffic slowdowns always give a nice boost to the number.
I actually managed 18.3mph average Took eldest daughter’s partner to a hospital appointment yesterday, went for a 3.2 mile run while he was in hospital. Not particularly fast, 9:04/mile pace, must be getting old lol: 4 Drives Total Miles Driven 44.27 Rated Miles Used 49.27 Efficiency 89.85 % Time Driven 1 Hour 44 Minutes kWh Used 10.51 kWh Wh/Mile 237 Wh To local town today: 3 Drives including parking at home later on: Total Miles Driven 11.57 Rated Miles Used 13.10 Efficiency 88.32 % Time Driven 21 Minutes kWh Used 2.79 kWh Wh/Mile 241 Wh
Heck, I'd be thrilled to run at that pace. But I AM old. Today it is 27 deg F in Naperville, 26 in Elk Grove. Wind NE 12 I drive north and east, so I was fighting the wind all the way today. 33.4 miles, fcd = 44.5 mpg
Today it is 20 deg F in Naperville, 18 in Elk Grove. Wind NW 7 Took the scenic route today (Eola Rd) because.... well, it's Friday. 35.2 miles, fcd = 46.5 MPG
The warm before the storm - 38F and 5mph wind from the west. This morning's 18.3 miles ended at 54.9 mpg on the fcd.
Today in was a lovely day for motoring in my Elantra. Only about 32 deg but fairly calm. Went to work out, then picked up Kelly, then went to breakfast and then to Hodgkins to see the Led Zeppelin movie. 60.3 miles fcd = 58.0 mpg.
Yesterday went to rescue daughter’s car from a garden center car park. She hadn’t spotted the signs saying the car park gates were locked at 17:30 so when she and a friend got back Saturday evening at 17:45 having had a walk round the nearby village, they were stuck, both their cars were secure but no way they were getting them out . They rang for a taxi then caught a train to get home. Picked daughter up on the way, very hilly route, narrow country roads. Called in at a supermarket and tool store on the way home: 5 Drives Total Miles Driven 49.63 Rated Miles Used 55.62 Efficiency 89.23 % Time Driven 1 Hours 36 Minutes kWh Used 11.87 kWh Wh/Mile 239 Wh
Today it is 26 deg F in Naperville, 23 in Elk Grove. Wind N 12 ( stiff headwind ) 33.5 miles, fcd = 45.3 mpg. Filled up at Exxon in Elk Grove (that's where the extra tenth of a mile comes from). $3.099 per gallon , 393.4 miles, fcd = 45.9 mpg. This car seems thirsty to me. But when I look around me and see what other folks are driving and HOW they drive, I'm not doing too bad.
Similar chilly air here in EST zone. 28F but no wind when heading out this morning, and the 18.3 miles ended at 54.4mpg on the dash. I had one of those Vanilla Visa gift cards someone gave me during the holidays, and there was a remaining balance of $14.70. That's enough money for lunch at McDonalds these days, or almost 5 gallons of fuel - or enough to commute for about two weeks. Decision was easy. I stopped at Hess - I think they call it "Speedway" now but they're not fooling me. Hess doesn't charge extra to use a card rather than cash. $14.70 at $3.059 added 4.8 gallons to the tank and put the needle back over 3/4. And I don't feel like I'm fifty pounds heavier. I made the right decision. In the little blue book where I keep the numbers, I noted it was a partial fill, and on the next fill up, I will use the cumulative miles from previous complete fill and the sum of the two stops for an mpg result over the whole distance. These cars we drive do seem thirsty - to us. But when I think in those terms, I just have to remember a generation ago when we marveled at the Gen II Prius with an EPA of 48/45. Now, daily commutes in winter in a daily driver with a 36mpg combined figure offers 46 - about 30% over EPA - in subfreezing temperatures. We really can't complain, if you think about it.
Today it is 18 d eg F, wind NW 10 Some snow on roads that plows didn't clean. 33.5 miles, fcd = 43.5 mpg Coming home last night, I found out that the Fit does indeed have traction control. But it isn't intrusive. I could only tell it was working by the idiot light.
Today it is 2 deg F in Naperville, 3 in Elk Grove. Wind SW 3 Scenic route today ( Eola Rd ). It's 8.6 miles from my house until I get up to cruising speed on I-88. I only reached 33 mpg by that time. 35.2 miles, fcd = 42.7 mpg. Is winter almost over ?
Visit mom, hospital for wife blood tests, supermarket then home: 4 Drives, 38F felt colder Total Miles Driven 20.09 Rated Miles Used 21.71 Efficiency 92.54 % Time Driven 48 Minutes kWh Used 4.63 kWh Wh/Mile 230 Wh