From the article above, it is highlighted that the richest 1% of people cause 15% of the total emissions. Of course, the richest people drive the heaviest, most emitting vehicles, live in bigger homes & apartments(multiple buildings?), AND travel differently than less monied people. Still it must be tough to equal the pollution of old junkers driven by the poor. But I suspect that much of the extra pollution that rich people emit comes from other forms of transportation that aren't accessible to the poor. Very sure that the rich travel by mass transit percentage-wise, far less than the poor. However, no people of low or even low middle income are commuting by individual aircraft flights. Aircraft can often generate to 20 to 50 gallons(more?) per hour of pollution. Of course, private turbo-props emit 75+ gallons per hour(money savers for sure ) & private jets START at a pollution level of 134 gallons per hour(oh, yeah, the dinky jets start at 70 gallons per hour). & of course, the rich will travel a lot further than the poor, while pooring(that's pouring) out the pollution. Wow! Fifteen percent of the pollution most certainly must be the very low end of rich pollution & must be much higher for the rich who really don't care about their emissions.
Update, Update: The above article is an OLD article. Now(as of the end of 2023), the richest 1% of people cause 16% of total emissions. Also, the richest 1% of people(80 million) pollute more than 5 billion of the poorest people(2/3rds of humanity).