Month of November 2020 (Nat’l Avg $2.131)

Discussion in 'The Daily Grind' started by Gord, Nov 2, 2020.

  1. Gord

    Gord Super Moderator Staff Member

    Welcome to the grind :D

    Regular: $2.131
    Diesel: $2.365
    E85: $1.940
    BillLin likes this.
  2. EdwinTheMagnificent

    EdwinTheMagnificent Legend In His Mind

    Thanks Gord. Today 27 deg F in Naperville
    In the Prius today , Wed , Fri.
    35.1 miles , fcd = 59.2 x .943 = 55.8 MPG.
    Tank is not much better. 35 miles remaining ,
    I will fill up after I work out tonight.
    Gord and BillLin like this.
  3. EdwinTheMagnificent

    EdwinTheMagnificent Legend In His Mind

    Today , 33 deg F in Naperville and Elk Grove..
    Filled up the Prius on the way home yesterday.
    559 miles , fcd = 61.7 x .943 = 58.2 MPG.
    At least I only paid $2.129 for Illinois' finest corn squeezin's ,
    with a little bit of petrol thrown in.
    In the Honda today , 35.1 miles , fcd = 45.2 MPG.
    166 miles remaining. The Honda is racking up some miles
    going to Madison WI every two weeks. About 300 miles round trip.
    Headed there again Sat after work. It does love the highway , and I am
    almost embarrassed to admit that I use cruise control if the road is fairly flat.
    It is VERY precise and if it needs a bit more gas to get up a micro-grade ,
    it gives the minimum required and holds speed nicely. Much better than
    the only other manual car I owned with cruise ( 97 Civic ).
    After 5.5 years and 112K miles in the Prius , I have never used it.
    Not sure how to turn it on.
    Gord and BillLin like this.
  4. EdwinTheMagnificent

    EdwinTheMagnificent Legend In His Mind

    Today , 55 deg F in Naperville and Elk Grove.
    Civic LX 5MT , 35.1 miles, fcd = 48.5.
    Driving to Madison this weekend in Civic , then
    Prius to Brookfield Zoo Sunday.
    BillLin and Gord like this.
  5. Gord

    Gord Super Moderator Staff Member

    Meant to post this yesterday! I use cruise control a lot and adjust it up and down depending on the terrain. I knock it off if there’s a steep incline or decline and do my thang .

    Back to work Monday morning, motorway route, 46°F, crosswind N5:
    47.3 / 21.6

    Going home Monday night, 50°F:
    47.7 / 21.4

    Tuesday morning, motorway route, 46°F, crosswind N5:
    50.6 / 21.6

    Going home Tuesday night, big detour required to escape the almost standing traffic on the motorway, added 5 miles on but kept moving, 46°F:
    45.9 / 26.6

    Wednesday morning, motorway route, colder but a better run, 39°F, crosswind N5:
    50.2 / 21.5

    Tank up 0.9 at 44.6 (FCD 47.0) / 445.5 / Range 155 . Guess gauge F____|««««E . UG up 1.5 at 45.6 / DTE 171

    Half tank at 336 miles
    Lost pip 5 (of 8) @ 400 miles
    BillLin likes this.
  6. TheFordFamily

    TheFordFamily Well-Known Member

    Filled up the C-Max for the first time since July.

    1076.8 Miles
    130 kWh = 3.966 gallons equivalent
    3.966 + 13.041 = 17.007 gallons equivalent
    1076.8 / 17.007 = 63.315 MPGe
  7. Gord

    Gord Super Moderator Staff Member

    Nice one TFF :)

    Last night, motorway, lots of queues / traffic - must be due to last shopping before England lockdown 2.0, 48°F, tailwind WNW7:
    46.4 / 21.4

    This morning, motorway, 42°F, mostly headwind WSW7:
    50.2 / 21.5

    Tank up 0.3 at 44.9 (FCD 47.3) / 488.4 / Range 110 . Guess gauge F____|__««E . UG up 0.3 at 45.9 / DTE 132
  8. EdwinTheMagnificent

    EdwinTheMagnificent Legend In His Mind

    Prius today. 48 deg F in Naperville.
    35.1 miles, fcd = 63.0 x .943 = 59.4 MPG.
    Could be worse. Tomorrow driving Civic to work , then
    heading to Madison after work. Had a fairly good trip home
    yesterday in Civic. 48.5 MPG ( mostly highway route ).
    Gord and BillLin like this.
  9. EdwinTheMagnificent

    EdwinTheMagnificent Legend In His Mind

    Today was more like a June morning. 62 deg F.
    35.0 miles , fcd = 66.0 x .943 = 62.2 MPG.
    Tank is still around 67 (fcd).
    Honda had mixed results on y Wisconsin trip. Part of it was wind ,
    always SW. Also ,on the way home , I was in a hurry and sometimes
    cruised at 65 MPH. All of these Interstates are 70 PSL.
    I averaged about 44.5 MPG fcd for around 300 miles. This included about
    45 miles of suburban Madison driving.
    It could have been worse. I could be a guy who claims
    that he "needs" an SUV/pickup/school bus.
    I would never take up a "hobby" that requires me to own an FSP. Never have , never will.
    I did have a trailer hitch on one of my cars ( 89 Civic Si ) for an occasional tow.
    Gord and BillLin like this.
  10. EdwinTheMagnificent

    EdwinTheMagnificent Legend In His Mind

    Today , Honda. 66 deg F in Naperville and
    Elk Grove. There was a nice tail wind (SW) that wunderground
    didn't seem to know about. Maybe no one records wind during the wee hours ?
    Anyway , a PR for this commute , this car. 35.1 miles , 51.4 MPG.
    23 miles highway 12 miles suburban roads PSL 35-45. Going to pick up Therese
    after work and take her to dinner ( prepared by Chef Edwin ). 90% chance
    of rain , severe thunderstorms. That's why I didn't ride a bike to work today.

    Yeah , that's the reason.
    Last edited: Nov 10, 2020
    Gord and BillLin like this.
  11. BillLin

    BillLin PV solar, geothermal HVAC, hybrids and electrics

    Good job, Edwin!
    Gord likes this.
  12. EdwinTheMagnificent

    EdwinTheMagnificent Legend In His Mind

    Thanks , Bill. I try. After the lousy
    41 MPG coming home from Wisconsin Sunday morning , this feels good.
    Gord and BillLin like this.
  13. EdwinTheMagnificent

    EdwinTheMagnificent Legend In His Mind

    Today , 35 deg F in Naperville , 34 in Elk Grove.
    In the Prius today. 35.1 miles , fcd = 61.5 x .943 = 58.0 MPH.
    Tank is at 298.6 miles , fcd = 67.1 x .943 = 63.3 MPG.
    Gord and BillLin like this.
  14. Gord

    Gord Super Moderator Staff Member

    Last Thursday night, motorway, 46°F, mostly crosswind SSE9:
    48.4/ 21.4

    Friday morning to work on the bike, misty, 43°F, slight tailwind E2:
    No fuel / 21.7 / avg 18.2mph
    No fuel / 19.7 / avg 17.0mph - going home with a bit of a headwind ENE7

    Monday morning, non-motorway route, 53°F, crosswind S9, called in on the way to fill-up:
    46.6 / 14.1

    Tank Stats

    Miles on tank: 523.9
    GallsUS: 11.81
    Calc. MPG : 44.4mpg - poor - trip to Whitby with bike on back dragged it down
    Calc. Range: 78.7 miles (allowing for extra in tank)
    FCD Range: 55
    FCD MPG : 47.55 MPG (7.17% over-report)
    UG MPG : 46.3 MPG (4.35% over-report)
    No. of trips: 28
    Average trip length: 18.7
    Average speed 32mph
    Driving time on tank: 16hrs 19mins
    Days since last fill: 20
    Commuting: 45.7%
    Ave. Temperature: 48.2°F
    Ave. no. of people in car: 1.27
    Pmpg for the tank: 56.3

    FCD over-report for tank 72 will remain at 5.4% so I'll adjust the indicated numbers down by that.

    Gas station to work, 53°F:
    53.5 / 5.6

    Monday evening, motorway route, 55°F, crosswind S9:
    49.7 / 21.4

    Tuesday morning, motorway route, 56°F, crosswind S9:
    50.0 / 21.5

    Tuesday evening, motorway route, 52°F, crosswind S9:
    49.2 / 21.4

    This morning, motorway route, 46°F, crosswind S9:
    51.7 / 21.6

    New tank at 49.9 (FCD 52.6) / 91.5 / Range 605 . Guess gauge F««««|««««E . UG at 52.3 / DTE 615
    BillLin and EdwinTheMagnificent like this.
  15. EdwinTheMagnificent

    EdwinTheMagnificent Legend In His Mind

    In the Honda today. Going to Bolingbrook to see my
    grandson after work. Well , to see Heather and Eric , too.

    31 deg F in Naperville and Elk Grove. 35.1 miles , 44.9 MPG.
    Tank = I don't know , but it started out with a 41 MPG 150 mile trip
    back home from Madison last Sunday , so it won't be too great.
    BillLin and Gord like this.
  16. Gord

    Gord Super Moderator Staff Member

    Last night, motorway, mild 54°F, crosswind SSE14:
    48.6 / 21.5

    This morning, motorway, 46°F, mostly headwind WSW9:
    49.5 / 21.6

    Tank down 0.4 at 49.5 (FCD 62.6) / 134.6 / Range 570 . Guess gauge F««««|««««E . UG down 0.1 at 52.2 / DTE 570
    EdwinTheMagnificent and BillLin like this.
  17. EdwinTheMagnificent

    EdwinTheMagnificent Legend In His Mind

    Today , 37 deg F in Naperville , 34 in Elk Grove.
    The Prius tank is at 365.6 miles , fcd = 66.3 x .943 =
    62.5 MPG. Could be worse.

    I estimated that I'm doing about a thousand miles
    a month in each car. The Prius now has 112K , the Civic 85K.
    Gord, RedylC94 and BillLin like this.
  18. EdwinTheMagnificent

    EdwinTheMagnificent Legend In His Mind

    Today , 32 deg F in Naperville, 29 in Elk Grove.
    Didn't use any heat. 35.1 miles , fcd = 62.1 x .943 = 58.6 MPG.
    Tank is at 465.6 miles, fcd = 65.1 x .943 = 61.4 MPG.
    150 miles remaining.
    Last edited: Nov 17, 2020
    BillLin likes this.
  19. Gord

    Gord Super Moderator Staff Member

    That’s a lot of miles Edwin - I’ve only got 40k on the Audi and wife’s Hyundai i10 has only 13k on the clock!

    Thursday night, motorway, 52°F, crosswind S10:
    49.2 / 21.4

    To work on the bike Friday morning, got caught in a heavy shower 2 miles from work:
    No fuel / 21.7 / avg 17.5mph - head/crosswind SW11
    No fuel / 19.9 / avg 17.9mph - tail/crosswind SW9

    Friday afternoon took wife to the other side of town to collect her car from MOT test (passed fine), 50°F:
    39.0 / 3.0
    45.4 / 1.8 - garage to vets to collect meds for dog
    40.6 / 1.7 - vets to home

    Monday morning, motorway, 49°F, headwind W17 gusting to 37mph - definitely felt the wind slowing my glides down more than normal in places:
    47.6 / 21.6

    Tank down 0.9 at 48.6 (FCD 61.5) / 184.0 / Range 515 . Guess gauge F_«««|««««E . UG down 0.7 at 51.5 / DTE 512

    Lost pip 1 (of 8) @ 162 miles
    BillLin and EdwinTheMagnificent like this.
  20. EdwinTheMagnificent

    EdwinTheMagnificent Legend In His Mind

    Today in the Honda. 31 deg F in Naperville ,
    I DID use some heat today. In either car I only
    suck heat from the engine ( or use A/C) when I'm on
    the highway. Unless I need it for front defrost , which hasn't
    happened yet this season.
    Definite head wind (N). 35.1 miles , 44.3 MPG.
    Gord and BillLin like this.

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