Coronavirus Death(s)

Discussion in 'Business and Economics' started by litesong, Mar 1, 2020.

  1. litesong

    litesong litesong

    San Marino & Faeroe Islands are reporting that their total ccp coronavirus cases amount to just over 70% of their populations.
    Last edited: Apr 21, 2023
  2. litesong

    litesong litesong

    From March 14, 2020:
    Today, Tucker Carlson is removed from Fake Faux NUUZ & Snooze. Yes, Fake Faux NUUZ & Snooze removes another commentator (after giving Dominion nearly $800 million), who only said what FFN&S wanted said. Again, like firings to many other FFN&S commentators, no hurt to FFN&S. PLUS THIS TIME, it may appear that FFN&S is turning away from their lies…… NAH, AIN’T HAPPENIN’.

    My wife said Tucker will bounce into another right-wing Nuuz & Snooze outfit, that pretends to be a news agency. He’ll be more right-wing than ever.
    Last edited: Apr 25, 2023
  3. litesong

    litesong litesong

    March 19, 2023:
    On March 19, 2023, Brazil led India by 168,865 deaths. Now, Brazil(37,449,418 cases, 701,494 deaths) leads India (44,924,811 cases, 531,424 deaths) deaths by 170,070.
  4. litesong

    litesong litesong

    From January 25, 2023:
    This day, April 29, 2023, Japan(33,714,017 ccp coronavirus cases, 74,528 deaths) has well over one third of 100 million cases & is 2.56 million cases & 40,054 deaths ahead of S.Korea(31,157,272 cases, 34,474 deaths).
    Last edited: Jun 1, 2023
  5. litesong

    litesong litesong

    January 5, 2023:
    Near the beginning of this year, The World(686,550,932 ccp coronavirus cases, 6,869,245 deaths) had powered over two thirds of a billion cases & was over two thirds of 10 million deaths. Sometime within the rest of this year, the US(106,629,316 cases, 1,159,833 deaths) may go over one ninth of a billion cases. They have passed one ninth of 10 million deaths, some time ago.
    The World Health Organization is stating that ccp coronavirus is now, NOT to be reported as a World emergency, but vaccines have quelled the disease to the point it should be considered as other diseases, as long-term tragedies that will be with us into the future.
    Tho the “official” ccp coronavirus World(687,128,198 cases, 6,874,747 deaths) still mounts, WHO, in a secondary statement, sets forth that 20 million deaths may be closer to the actual vast cryings among nations.
    Last edited: May 5, 2023
  6. litesong

    litesong litesong

    April 29, 2023:
    In 2 days, the US(106,678,503 ccp coronavirus cases, 1,161,164 deaths) powered up with 1331 deaths! Even if the US didn’t count one million of its deaths, the US would still only be behind Indonesia(6,775,613 cases, 161,300 deaths) by 136 deaths!
    Two days later, the US(106,690,999 cases, 1,161,387 deaths), if again didn’t count 1 million of its deaths, would now LEAD Indonesia(6,779,631 cases, 161,352 deaths) by 35 deaths.
    Since April 29, 2023, US(106,746,535 cases, 1,162,125 deaths) has pile on 19,536 cases per day, & 382 deaths per day, for 51 cases per death.
    Since 4 days ago, if the US didn’t count million of its deaths, the US would have still lead Indonesia by 35.
    Now just 4 days later, today, if the US(106,765,870 cases, 1,162,420 deaths) didn’t count 1 million of its dead, the US would lead Indonesia(6,784,170 cases, 161,404 deaths), not by 35, but by a whomping 1016!
    Last edited: May 6, 2023
  7. litesong

    litesong litesong

    Yes, WHO downgrades the ccp coronavirus, but countries still show the wild devastations of the disease. France(40,007,281 ccp coronavirus cases, 166,645 deaths) is now the third country to move over 40 million cases & also is very near one sixth million deaths(166,667).
    Later, this day:
    PS……France(40,012,786 cases, 166,811 deaths) fires past one sixth million deaths, in 2 months, 3 weeks, piling 1571 deaths onto its total.
    Also, Italy(25,809,208 cases, 189,904 deaths) piles up 5259 deaths since near the beginning of the year.

    Forget WHO. Some communist chinese administrators(always small letters) have infiltratrated WHO. ccp coronavirus is with us & still killing our people, relatives & friends.
    PS I…..We haven’t even mentioned the US(106,762,797 cases, 1,162,403 deaths), which has piled up 10,761 deaths in less than the last month & a half.
    & the communist chinese(always small letters)-infiltrated WHO, says we’re downgrading.
    PS II……The US(107,274,843 cases, 1,167,622 deaths), in a month & three weeks, added 512,046 cases & 5219 deaths.
    Last edited: Jun 25, 2023
  8. litesong

    litesong litesong

    Whoa! Early in this week my separated wife came over with some new issued credit cards since we still keep our economics together. A day later, she, her mom & her fellow came down with what she thinks is ccp coronavirus. They've been sick badly ever since. And yesterday afternoon, I caught it, & it came on quickly. Since I hadn't taken my arthritic medications earlier yesterday, I decided to take some, including one with a previously excellent sleep aide. Meanwhile, the ccp coronavirus(?) came in waves. Several times, I thought I'd throw-up my nice last meal. But, I didn't. Eventually, the sleep aide took affect, & I sleep well, which surprised me. I woke a couple hours ago, waiting for the coronavirus to hit me again. But, so far I've been OK, but drained somewhat. I don't think I ever felt this way before(even the last time I did get ccp coronavirus). I think this is a different variant from what I got last time.
    It has not been nice, but I've been more sick in my life. Well, I'll try to keep you posted. Bye.

    PS....The ccp coronavirus took over again. Tightness in my chest, at times a bit dizzy. But I haven't thrown-up. More aspirin with sleep-aide, & I slept. Woke up a bit ago, made some potatoes. Feeling OK. But that's how I feel between bouts. So, we'll see.

    PS I....US(110,647,756 cases, 1,193,021 deaths), World(702,04,520 cases, 6,971,705 deaths).

    PS II, 7PM...I haven't had any problems for many hours this day. Eating some dinner. My separated wife is feeling terrible & lost her sense of taste. I retained my sense of taste. Hope she & the family break out of it, soon.

    PS III, 8:25AM, Jan. 21....early this morning at 2AM, an emergency ambulance took an older lady from the first floor apartment to the hospital. I wonder if she got ccp coronavirus. The emergency vehicles have responded here 3 times in the last week.
    Also, I saw 3 people pushing an SUV into a parking spot. I still see the car parked. So life continues.
    Last edited: Jan 21, 2024
  9. litesong

    litesong litesong

    8am....I continue to be good. Still taking it easy so I don't relapse. Again, my arthritic medications with the sleep aide worked well. My separated wife is stll bad, altho she just called to say she is slightly better. Goodnight....during the daytime.

    PS, 3PM....Went for a walk, saying I would walk slow. The fresh air made me feel good. At one point, I caught myself walking too fast, & I could feel the tightness in my chest, like the ccp coronavirus was nibbling at me. I stopped & walked slowly back to the apt. That was today's journey of 0.6 miles. Am still feeling good, but I got my warning to take it easy.
    Last edited: Jan 21, 2024
    BillLin likes this.
  10. litesong

    litesong litesong

    9:50AM....Got up feeling fairly good. But, now have a few ccp coronavirus feelings again. So I still have to continue at a low level.
    BillLin likes this.
  11. litesong

    litesong litesong

    6:25AM....Yeah, after 2 days respite from the ccp coronavirus symptoms, as I said, I had some feelings yesterday. & last night it hit strongly. I'm sure glad the ccp coronavirus came at me in waves & not any stronger, giving me relief between bouts. & my arthritic meds with sleep aide worked too. If I'd felt that miserable continually for 4 days with no sleep, I would have had to go to the hospital. My separated wife had it worse than me with few periods of relief. But she never went to the hospital.
    BillLin likes this.
  12. litesong

    litesong litesong

    Like I said in the Grind, I had a heart attack. It wasn't the ccp coronavirus that was making me sick. How about that!
  13. litesong

    litesong litesong

    As of today, ccp coronavirus has caused nearly one ninth of one billion US cases(111,107,416) & killed almost 1.2 million people (1,197,824) in the US.

    Yes, people started forgetting the deaths of ccp coronavirus as it APPROACHED 1 Million deaths. Now, that US deaths are almost 200,000 past 1 million deaths......people REALLY have forgotten ccp coronavirus.

    P.S., 6:46PM, Feb. 29,2024..... US ccp coronavirus cases are greater than 1 ninth of a billion(111,535,172) AND US ccp coronavirus deaths are greater than 1.2 million(1,216,285).

    PS I, Mar. 18, 2024.....US ccp coronavirus cases are 111,680,133, increasing 144,961 in about 3 weeks. US ccp coronavirus deaths are 1,217,692, killing 1402 people in about 3 weeks.
    Last edited: Mar 18, 2024

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