Month of August 2019 (Nat’l Avg $2.719)

Discussion in 'The Daily Grind' started by Gord, Aug 1, 2019.

  1. Gord

    Gord Super Moderator Staff Member

    BillLin likes this.
  2. Gord

    Gord Super Moderator Staff Member

    Currently on vacation in Guernsey - no driving only walking and cycling
    BillLin likes this.
  3. EdwinTheMagnificent

    EdwinTheMagnificent Legend In His Mind

    Thanks for starting our thread , Gord.
    Gord and BillLin like this.
  4. PaleMelanesian

    PaleMelanesian Beat the System Staff Member

    No numbers to report because I don't have a gauge in this thing yet. Gotta take it in and get plates later today.

    And below, a picture of it earlier on our trip. We flew to California and bought it there, and drove home with some sights along the way.


    Gord and BillLin like this.
  5. BillLin

    BillLin electric everything with solar and geothermal

    Very cool looking tree. Your Nissan is massive. Very mass transit bus like... :)
    Gord likes this.
  6. PaleMelanesian

    PaleMelanesian Beat the System Staff Member

    It's surprisingly easy to drive though. It fits into the lane naturally, not much thinking about placement, it just goes where it should. Parking is fun...

    I still have the Fit for the days when I can use it and save 2/3 the fuel.
    Gord and BillLin like this.
  7. BillLin

    BillLin electric everything with solar and geothermal

    Should be great for family vacations away.
    Gord likes this.
  8. EdwinTheMagnificent

    EdwinTheMagnificent Legend In His Mind

    Had a good trip home yesterday : scenic route #2 , did NOT stop to work out , went directly
    to Amoco in Naperville ,filled up ,then home. Trip was 31.9 miles , 74.7 MPG. Of course , I leave car in Ready mode
    for that five minutes at gas station.

    Here's the fill-up info : 622.7 miles , 9.621 gal , $2.859(cheap!). Same pump as last fill , a mere seven days before. FCD = 67.6 x .956 = 64.6 MPG. 622.7/9.621 = 64.7 MPG. My 0.956 correction factor is pretty close.

    Have not driven yet today , but I need to do about 55 miles later this afternoon. Not looking forward to driving today.
    Some day , one day , driving might be fun again. But not now , when I drive 450-600 miles in a week.
    Gord and BillLin like this.
  9. PaleMelanesian

    PaleMelanesian Beat the System Staff Member

    Driving the big thing again today. No numbers to report.
    Gord and BillLin like this.
  10. visionseeming

    visionseeming Well-Known Member

    Hey Guys,

    Now that I finally have instrumentation again, I can participate in this thread. :)

    IMG_20190805_083020.jpg IMG_20190805_190604.jpg
    96.3 MPG / 10.8 mi to work,
    66.9 MPG / 10.8 mi back home.

    I have not filled up since I bought the car last week, so I cannot vouch for the accuracy of the FCD.
    The fuel gauge was around 1/2 (either 5 or 6 pips) and is at 2 pips now. I want to burn off as much of tank as possible before filling, since I'm unsure how long this gas has sat in the tank.

    The Prius C really loves stop and crawl traffic, the exact opposite of conventional gasoline (expect maybe with heavy FASing, but even then low speed accels are very inefficient with gas). If I'm lucky and the traffic is just right, I can go miles without ever having the gas engine on.

    You can clearly see which direction is downhill and which one is uphill. :) By the way, I remember there was a tool you guys used to map out the elevation profile of a route... can you jog my memory as to what that tool is and if it's still working? I remember it used to crunch the elevation data from Google Maps to do so.
    Gord and BillLin like this.
  11. EdwinTheMagnificent

    EdwinTheMagnificent Legend In His Mind

    Good work , visionseeming !

    Today light rain/wet roads all the way in. 72 deg F in Naperville , 69 in Wood Dale , and 72 in Toronto.
    35.0 miles ( not 35.1 ? ) , 61.6 MPG. Tank is at 160.6 miles , 66.6 MPG.
    ODO at 90,020. Service at Toyota dealer after work tomorrow.
    Gord and BillLin like this.
  12. PaleMelanesian

    PaleMelanesian Beat the System Staff Member

    That's a nice little car there! I wouldn't worry too much about the terrible warnings in the other thread. ;)

    I'm back in the Fit today. 57.6 mpg home the other day, 67.8 this morning.
    Tank is at 56.1 mpg / 98 mi.
    Gord and BillLin like this.
  13. BillLin

    BillLin electric everything with solar and geothermal

    Just a quick reply... I searched for "bike elevation map" and found this among many more specific tools for the job. Hint: use Google maps and pretend you're riding a bike.

    How do I add a bike route to Google Maps?
    How to Use Google Maps Cycling Directions
    1. Select Get Directions.
    2. Type your starting address into field A.
    3. Type your destination into field B.
    4. Click Bicycling on the dropdown menu.
    5. Click Get Directions.
    6. Click on the route of your choice. ...
    7. Customize the route by dragging the blue line (your bike route) wherever you want to move it to [source: Google].
    How to Use Google Maps Cycling Directions | HowStuffWorks
    visionseeming, Gord and RedylC94 like this.
  14. EdwinTheMagnificent

    EdwinTheMagnificent Legend In His Mind

    The Prius does shine in stop'n'go traffic...……………… until your battery runs down and you're
    SITTING there with engine running , going nowhere.

    That can happen.
    Gord and BillLin like this.
  15. BillLin

    BillLin electric everything with solar and geothermal

    That's where the Hyundai hybrid's solar roof might come in handy... not for extensive EV mode, but fewer chances of the situation you mentioned. Still, an awfully costly way to drive a little more with the engine off...
    Gord likes this.
  16. RedylC94

    RedylC94 Well-Known Member

    Having that happen during some of the times you're stopped is still better than having the engine running through every stop in a non-hybrid---at least from a fuel-efficiency standpoint. However, cycling the battery through a wider range of state-of-charge than usual can't be great for it, especially in warm weather. That scenario tends to boost the battery temperature.
    Gord and BillLin like this.
  17. visionseeming

    visionseeming Well-Known Member

    A bit better than yesterday:
    IMG_20190806_093039.jpg IMG_20190806_191714.jpg
    99.9 MPG* / 10.8 mi to work,
    67.6 MPG / 10.8 mi back home.

    * Of course the FCD clips at 99.9, but my actual was probably around there. It was at ~98.5 as I entered the parking garage and by the time I parked it had clipped.

    The "tank" (reset trip meters when I bought the car with ~1/2 tank of gas) sits at 71.7 MPG / 219.8 mi. This included a long freeway drive from San Diego where I got the car up to Orange County where I currently reside. The Cruising Range is at 15 miles left with 1 bar on the fuel gauge.
    IMG_20190806_191833.jpg IMG_20190806_191900.jpg

    So I guess that means I should fill up tomorrow or Thursday morning at the latest. I was thinking of waiting for the flashing bar, but we'll see. Based on the owners manual the power switch should be in the off position while filling, which means attempting a partial fill to 5 or 6 bars to calibrate is probably out of the picture. I'm considering putting some StaBil in when I do a complete fill, since the tank will last a looong time with this type of MPG. :) Not planning to top off, just first click at maybe the low fill rate should be good enough.
    Gord and BillLin like this.
  18. BillLin

    BillLin electric everything with solar and geothermal

    Very nice.
    Gord likes this.
  19. Gord

    Gord Super Moderator Staff Member

    Hi visionseeming, try this profiler
    It works worldwide too!
    Bill’s is a great alternative :)
    BillLin likes this.
  20. EdwinTheMagnificent

    EdwinTheMagnificent Legend In His Mind

    Today , 68 deg F in Naperville , 67 in Wood Dale , and a tropical 72 in Toronto. 35.0 miles these last two days , I guess my tires have increased in diameter , eh ?
    It's not impossible; I recently ( last fill ) increased pressure from 45 psi to 50. 67 MPG today. Tank is at 228.9 miles , 67.9 MPG.
    Trip home yesterday was good. Scenic route #1 , which I had not taken in some time.33.2 miles , no stops , no highway ( no tolls!). 76.1 MPG
    Gord and BillLin like this.

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