According to this article, there is no statute of limimations on rape in Alabama. I am not sure where the alleged rape took place, or if this article is accurate.
Well since you are asking, I did not vote for Bernie either. However, I do not consider my candidate small. She is actually a very large woman. Hillary has nothing to do with Al (I think you mean Roy) Moore. I only mentioned her because I did not vote for her. So now that I have devulged who I did not vote for. Will you devulge if you voted for the "big" three or not.
Hi Bestmapman: Why did you bring up Hillary again??? Deflection? There is a statue of limitations but you are purposely confusing the issue. It was molestation and attempted rape. AL law was changed just a few years after this prick messed with the teens. YOu can look it up from a more informative site. I voted for none of the Big three. In the mean time, Kelly Conway argued this morning that a vote against Moore would be a vote against the Republican agenda, including proposed tax cuts for the "richest Americans." She is despicable too. Wayne
You asked I am not confusing the issue. It is too bad there was no statue of limitations at that time. I thought great he can be prosecuted. If he is guilty he should be held accountable. Will you agree if these are false charges the false accuser should be held accountable. So we have something in common. WOW A new subject. Is this also deflection. LOL
Hi Jud: You brought her up? What was the reason? POTUS not saying anything about Roy Moore but the Comms person saying they need Roy Moore's vote is not pertinent to this? The agenda over Morality is clear cut here. Did you miss it? Regarding the right, anyone that votes for a child molester is despicable. You do not agree with that? Wayne
Oh Oh, A new left leaning "journalist" has now been exposed.
I have just came to a conclusion. My wife is right. Since I have retired, I have better to do than this.
Hi Jud: And then you went on to describe her negatively in your own words from the Russian playbook. But one accused with over 50 people corroborating this pricks actions from 40-years is ok to vote for? You would actually vote for this guy if he were in KY? That is what it sounds like? <-- Question mark. There is not a single seated Senator today that is backing Moore due to this. Yet you would? What does a left leaning journalist being accused of Sexual misconduct have to do with Roy Moore being a Child molester? Care to link all the left and right wing Congressman and Senators that have been accused and many convicted of something like this over the past 40 years? Since you are retired, you have the time to post a chart with the numbers of Republicans and Democrats including the charges against them. I was on the road until 04:00 AM this morning doing work with the Accent and am still recovering from that while setting up Press rides, transportation to two short leads, cleaning out hundreds of twitter notifications, and dealing with this assholes actions here. Wayne
What, the Russian playbook. LOL. You have got to be kidding me. The Russian playbook. Really. I have to admit I really got a good laugh out of that one. There you go again. Saying things I didn't say. I said he should pull out of the race so the accusations could be addressed. I might look at that. It might be revealing. I will see what I come up with. Get some rest.
Hi Jud: I hope you are laughing since it appears you bought into it. Way OT but to educate you.. On CBS' Face the Nation in January, a senior Trump Administration official (#2) was asked if any member of the Trump campaign had contacts with Russian officials trying to interfere in the election, Since then, who in this Administration has not met with Russian KGB spys? Here is just one meeting of tens that have occurred before and after. You found that really funny that no other Administration in history were meeting with Russians for Russians benefit except this one? Really funny. Think of the dead Ukrainians, Russian and Ukrainian journalists and political adversaries. Really funny that people were killed and a country partially invaded so it can be swept under the rug. I asked you a question multiple times now. It has nothing to do with saying you said anything. It was a question for you to answer. He is not pulling out and there will be no court case. Would you vote for him or would you not if he were up for the KY Senate seat? Yes or no? And please do the study for all of us. It will prove to be interesting for all concerned. Wayne
The Russian connection is laughable. LOL, LOL. You are one who bought into it. You forgot to mention the Russian shoe-shine boy who shined Trumps shoes. I am laughting in my chair right now that you believe this. You are drinking the Kool-Aid Since you are bringing this up off topic, I guess I will have to start talking about Uranium.
HI Jud: It sure is laughable. Nobody met with any of them... And nobody died at their hands. Both factually incorrect. And none ever met with any Trump Officials. As in all of them? Really damn funny? We were attacked and you are laughing? Why are you laughing when a foreign power attacked us and they are meeting with this Administration's top people to remove sanctions and change platforms? Really funny when people are killed and the U.S> is attacked. Funniest thing I have heard in years. Wayne
I am Laughing at you. LOL LOL LOL There is nothing there. OMG wait. I just saw Alas Alalgrov partnered with Trump on MIss Universe pagent. Emin Alalgov knows Trump from a music video and offered info. Well that settles it. LOL LOL LOL
Hi Jud: We did not get attacked by Russia and the top Administration Officials did not meet with them? I feel sad that you have no understanding of the attack on the U.S. RT must have done a good job for you not to know. Keep laughing all the while you believe the lies from one of the chief perps. But back to Roy Moore. Would you vote for him if he were up for Senator from KY? I think I have asked you this three or four times now? Wayne
Hi Jud: I might have to ban myself because I am a stand up guy! Would you vote for Prick Moore? The election is on the 12th of Dec. Wayne
I will start the list with the most recent article I could find link Michigan Rep. John Conyers, a Democrat and the longest-serving member of the House of Representatives, settled a wrongful dismissal complaint in 2015 with a former employee who alleged she was fired because she would not “succumb to [his] sexual advances.”
Hi Jud: According to Wiki, between 2010 and 2017, Republican Congressman outrun Democratic Congressman 2:1 in Sex Scandals. This took me a minute and 30 seconds. I thought these three stood out. Think they make the cut? Scott DesJarlais, Representative (R-TN), admitted under oath to at least six affairs, including two affairs with his patients and staffers while he was a physician at Grandview Medical Center in Jasper, TN. Additionally, while running on a pro-life platform, DesJarlais made his ex-wife have two abortions, and tried to persuade a mistress who was his patient, into an abortion as well. Dennis Hastert, former Speaker of the United States House of Representatives (R-IL), pled guilty to structuring bank withdrawals in order to conceal deliberately-unspecified misconduct by Hastert against an unnamed individual years earlier. At a sentencing hearing in October 2015, Hastert admitted that he had sexually abused boys while he worked as a high school wrestling coach decades earlier. (2015) Donald Trump (R), the 45th President of the United States, was accused of sexual assault by 13 women during the 2016 election and denied it, along with the release of a 2005 video by The Washington Post. The video, in which Trump described, in a private conversation, hypothetical consensual lewd sexual encounters of a celebrity, was released two days before a debate between Hillary Clinton, the Democratic nominee and Trump, the Republican nominee himself. At the televised debate, Trump dismissed the video as "locker room talk." You can do better. Wayne