Week of September 25 to October 1 (Nat’l Avg $2.572)

Discussion in 'The Daily Grind' started by Gord, Sep 25, 2017.

  1. Gord

    Gord Super Moderator Staff Member

    Welcome back to the grind :D

    Gas prices continue to drop. The national average gas price is down 5.1¢ (1.9%) since last week to $2.572 - this time last year it was $2.208 so it's 16.5% (+36.4¢) more expensive.
    Diesel is almost unchanged at $2.721 (+0.2¢). It's now 15.4% (+36.4¢) more expensive than this time last year. Diesel is at a reducing 5.8% premium to regular.


    No commute for me for at least 4 days - car pooling :)
    BillLin likes this.
  2. EdwinTheMagnificent

    EdwinTheMagnificent Legend In His Mind

    Gord , thanks again for starting the thread this week. We Americans are too lazy to do this. ;)

    Today 65 deg F , wind SE2. Found it hard to focus on my driving this morning. Yes, I stayed up too late last night. 35.0 miles , 68.08 MPG.

    Tank is at 132.0 miles , 66.49 MPG. Gotta start digging my way out of this hole if I want another 70 tank.

    I still need to get back to last week's thread and record my Saturday (PR?) fill-up.
    Gord and BillLin like this.
  3. PaleMelanesian

    PaleMelanesian Beat the System Staff Member

    Gas was back down to 2.25 here. 2.00 before the storms, 2.50 max, now back to 2.25. I'll take it. I filled last time the day before the storm. :D

    53.6 / 11.3 to school and work this morning

    Tank is at 46 mpg / 16 mi.
    BillLin and Gord like this.
  4. alster

    alster Well-Known Member

    Crude oil has jumped to over $51 / bbl last time I checked today. A barrel of oil contains 42 U.S. gallons. Costco reg. gas now is $2.659 / gal. a couple of weeks ago it was up $2.819 / gal. Oil then was around $48.00 bbl. I can only speculate the price of gas, diesel, and all petroleum based products will have to increase in price when the price of crude oil increases, there is no other way around it. However a price of $50.00 / bbl in my opinion is a fair price, when it hit well over $100.00 / bbl a few years ago it was more of a criminal act of conspiracy to raise the price worldwide. Nobody went to jail of course and nobody ever will when money talks.
    BillLin likes this.
  5. puddleglum

    puddleglum Well-Known Member

    Has some errands after work today. 4 L/100 km - 26 km.
    Tank is showing 4.5 L/100 km - 322 km.
    Gas prices have dropped here too. Down to $.954/L. 1 cent cheaper than before the storms.
    Gord and BillLin like this.
  6. EdwinTheMagnificent

    EdwinTheMagnificent Legend In His Mind

    It's amazing how cheap fuel is , especially after several hurricanes hitting the Gulf area. Too cheap. Today , 67.5 deg F , wind = calm. 35.1 miles , 70.46 MPG. Tank = ?

    Scenic route home tonight , hopefully will bump this tank up a bit.
    Gord, PaleMelanesian and BillLin like this.
  7. PaleMelanesian

    PaleMelanesian Beat the System Staff Member

    Kid had a volleyball game last night.

    44.3 / 3.1 mi - from work to the game
    55.2 / 1.2 - to Chick-fil-a to pick up dinner
    58.2 / 5.5 - home

    59.9 / 11.4 - school and work this morning

    Tank is at 51.5 / 37 mi. Still F+.
    Gord and BillLin like this.
  8. PaleMelanesian

    PaleMelanesian Beat the System Staff Member

    I went to the grocery to buy my week's lunches. It's slightly uphill from work.

    55.6 mpg / 2.4 mi out.
    92.5 mpg / 2.5 mi back! :D That is the best trip I've ever done in this car, four years later! (by 4 mpg)

    Tank is way up, to 53.2 / 42 mi.
    puddleglum, Gord and BillLin like this.
  9. Die2self

    Die2self Saving more by using less!

    Well done Pale. :cool::cool::cool::cool:

    Edwin, he just has at least a 4-5 hour jump on us. But Yes, thanks Gord.

    couple of drives:
    9/22 to meet the parents who are in town for dinner. Wife and Kids were off to NWA
    60.8 / 9.1 miles (92F E@5)
    to walmart for some stuff
    44.8 / 3.5 miles (80F E@2)
    42.8 / 4.4 miles
    52.8 MPG total

    then today to drop off daughter to the clinic where she was supposed to be with my wife but took the bus home from school.
    50.1 / 6.4 miles round trip (90F SE@6)

    10.1 gals converted (tank filed from 7/9 ;))
    488.7 miles
    48.3 MPG :)()
  10. Gord

    Gord Super Moderator Staff Member

    Wakey wakey America :p

    Nice one Andrew :cool:

    Still no driving :D
    BillLin likes this.
  11. EdwinTheMagnificent

    EdwinTheMagnificent Legend In His Mind

    Today , 62.5 deg F , wind NNW10 ( headwind). 35.1 miles , 65.29 MPG. Tank is at 270.1 miles , 67.61 MPG. I was unable to take advantage of our 6-day-record-breaking-every-day heat spell. Had to do some highway driving at higher speeds than I really wanted , and also had to use A/C to keep my passenger happy. Should have a high temp of about 70 today.
    puddleglum, Gord and BillLin like this.
  12. PaleMelanesian

    PaleMelanesian Beat the System Staff Member

    54.3 / 5.2 - home last night, still hot 90F
    61.2 / 11.4 - this morning to school and work, 73F

    Tank is up to 54.7 / 58 mi.
    Gord, puddleglum and BillLin like this.
  13. alster

    alster Well-Known Member

    Filled up our 2016 Volt Premier yesterday at Costco, Warrenton OR. Regular 87 octane (10% ethanol blend) $2.599 / gal. Took 3.24 gal's, went 180 mile just on the gas with that tank, gas engine mode, for two trips my wife and I made outside the electric range last weekend.

    55.5 mpg calculated, the extra 120 + miles just on electric was just a bonus.
    Gord and BillLin like this.
  14. EdwinTheMagnificent

    EdwinTheMagnificent Legend In His Mind

    I really like the Volt ! If I can only afford ONE car , which is the case , this car can do it all.
    Gord and BillLin like this.
  15. PaleMelanesian

    PaleMelanesian Beat the System Staff Member

    Well, carry more than 4 people is something it cannot do. :/

    46.1 / 2.0 - from work to a church meeting
    56.1 / 5.4 - home
    58.7 / 11.3 - school and work (26 stop signs or lights on the route)

    Tank is up to 55.1 / 77 mi.
    Gord and BillLin like this.
  16. EdwinTheMagnificent

    EdwinTheMagnificent Legend In His Mind

    Today , 49.5 deg F , wind NNW7. 35.0 miles , 63.42 MPG. Tank is way down : 350.8 miles , 67.89 MPG. As usual the trips homeward are propping up the tank average.

    Mostly, I'm too lazy to document those trips. Yesterday's was 45.5 miles ( one long stop ) , 73.47 MPG.
    Gord and BillLin like this.
  17. EdwinTheMagnificent

    EdwinTheMagnificent Legend In His Mind

    Today , 59 deg F , wind NNW6. 35.0 miles , 66.03 MPG. Tank is at 432.0 miles , 68.26 MPG.
    Going part-way into the city after work today to meet Connie. That usually means a highway trip home. But maybe not.
    Gord and BillLin like this.
  18. PaleMelanesian

    PaleMelanesian Beat the System Staff Member

    52.9 / 5.2 - home last night
    69.5 / 5.4 - out to music practice
    58.2 / 5.4 - home again
    60.2 / 11.4 - school and work

    Slightly cooler weather here, below 70 overnight!

    Tank is up to 56.2 / 104 mi.
    Gord and BillLin like this.
  19. EdwinTheMagnificent

    EdwinTheMagnificent Legend In His Mind

    Today , 50 deg F , wind NE5. 16.2 miles, no highway , 71.89 MPG. Tank is at 464.3 miles , 68.63 MPG.

    Trip to Lombard last night was helped by temps in the 70s : 16.0 miles , 75.79 MPG.
    Gord and BillLin like this.
  20. Starting to move this week. Work is 53 miles from home. Moving to a place 16 miles away from work. That will help the commute most of the week, but i do get sent around the state to other facilities often.
    Met with my realtor, not going to officially list the place until i get mostly moved out. I'll take a truck load or 2 per week until near the end of the month, then i have 6 days off work scheduled to complete whats left.
    Going to rent for a couple years or until i find a place that i want

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