Week of September 18 to September 24 (Nat’l Avg $2.623)

Discussion in 'The Daily Grind' started by Gord, Sep 18, 2017.

  1. Gord

    Gord Super Moderator Staff Member

    Welcome back to the grind :D

    The national average gas price has dropped back 4.5¢ since last week to $2.623 - this time last year it was $2.200 so it's 19.2% (+42.3¢) dearer.
    Diesel is up a touch to $2.719 (+0.6¢). It's now 15.4% (+36.2¢) more expensive than this time last year. Diesel is a 3.7% premium to regular.


    This morning, 3UP, 51°F, 7mph cross/headwind NNW, detour due to queue at traffic light section plus dropped off car pooler's daughter:

    46.6 / 22.9

    Tank down 0.1 at 49.0 (FCD 51.6) / 360.1 / Range 310 . Guess gauge F___«|««««E . UG down 0.1 at 47.5 . DTE281
    BillLin likes this.
  2. EdwinTheMagnificent

    EdwinTheMagnificent Legend In His Mind

    Today , 55 deg F , wind NNW3. I forgot to reset my Trip B when I got home last night and didn't reset until 2-3 miles into my commute today. But the tank is at 349.5 miles , 70.87 MPG
    Gord and BillLin like this.
  3. PaleMelanesian

    PaleMelanesian Beat the System Staff Member

    It's summer again. 76F this morning.
    55.3 / 11.5 this morning to school and work.

    Tank is steady at 54.6 / 524 mi.
    Gord and BillLin like this.
  4. Gord

    Gord Super Moderator Staff Member

    Last night, 2UP, usual traffic issues, motorway route, raining 55°F, 4mph crosswind N:

    44.4 / 22.4

    This morning, 3UP again so extra drop off, much cooler 43°F, 4mph cross/headwind NNW:

    46.5 / 22.5

    Tank down 0.5 at 48.5 (FCD 51.1) / 405.0 / Range 250 . Guess gauge F____|««««E . UG down 0.1 at 47.4 / DTE235

    Half tank @ 383 mile
    BillLin likes this.
  5. PaleMelanesian

    PaleMelanesian Beat the System Staff Member

    We had a high of 94F here.

    53.3 / 5.1 - out to a kid's sports game
    53.1 / 8.5 - home
    60.2 / 11.3 - school and work this morning

    Tank is steady at 54.6 / 549 mi. (10 gallons)
    BillLin likes this.
  6. Gord

    Gord Super Moderator Staff Member

    Our summer seems to be over :(

    Last night, 2UP, busy, long queue to motorway, then a massive queue on home stretch as they were doing a traffic cencus, 62°F, 4mph cross/tailwind SW:

    42.9 / 22.4

    This morning, 2UP, had to detour the traffic light section but pretty good run even with too many full stops, 50 to 53°F, 4mph cross/headwind SW:

    49.4 / 22.9

    Tank down 0.3 at 48.2 (FCD 50.8) / 450.3 / Range 200 . Guess gauge F____|««««E . UG down 0.2 at 47.2 / DTE188
    puddleglum and BillLin like this.
  7. EdwinTheMagnificent

    EdwinTheMagnificent Legend In His Mind

    Today , 63 deg F , wind SE2. 35.0 miles , 68.17 MPG. Yesterday's trip to Geneva for dinner with Amy ( okay, drinks) and then home : 44.5 miles , 73.93 MPG.

    Tank is at 498.7 miles , 71.05 MPG.
    Gord, puddleglum and BillLin like this.
  8. PaleMelanesian

    PaleMelanesian Beat the System Staff Member

    Feed store over lunch break yesterday, HOT.
    55.5 / 4.9 mi
    +200 lb
    60.4 / 3.1 - buy lunch
    44.6 / 2.0 - work

    56.9 / 5.2 - home last night, 92F
    58.3 / 11.3 - school and work

    Tank is up a tick to 54.7 / 576 mi.
    Gord, puddleglum and BillLin like this.
  9. puddleglum

    puddleglum Well-Known Member

    Ours too. It's been cold all week. Lows 36-38*F. Only made it to 40*F today with 15-20 mph NW wind and rain. Yesterday was only a little better. Been plugging in this week.

    Several trips yesterday. Drove to work and home, (Should have biked since it didn't rain after all) back out to the post office then out again after supper for a haircut. SG didn't reset this morning so today's commute added into yesterday. 4.4 l/100 km and 67.5 km (8 trips)
    Gord and BillLin like this.
  10. EdwinTheMagnificent

    EdwinTheMagnificent Legend In His Mind

    About 92 deg F here yesterday. I think it's the first day of summer. This AM , 72.5 deg F , wind SSW3 ( slight tailwind). 34.9 miles , 70.4 MPG. Tank is at 567.7 miles , 70.77 MPG. I think I may squeeze out just one more 70 + tank before colder and wetter weather arrives. HOT for the next three days , I love it !
    Gord, BillLin and puddleglum like this.
  11. PaleMelanesian

    PaleMelanesian Beat the System Staff Member

    We had 94F here yesterday, 80 this morning.

    56.1 / 5.2 - home last night
    40.4 / 11.4 - school and work this morning. With a trailer. I have errands after work. I'd like to see any truck, even empty, do that. I can haul up to 500 lb in this trailer, and if I need more the Odyssey can do that.

    Tank is predictably down, 0.3 to 54.3 / 597 mi.
    puddleglum, Gord and BillLin like this.
  12. Gord

    Gord Super Moderator Staff Member

    Went out on business yesterday with another colleague and I drove back. It was a Skoda Yeti 4x4 6 speed auto and according to the FCD I managed to get 44.6mpg over a 34 mile journey which was a mix of 60mph on motorway and stop start into the city. NEDC is 37.3mpg combined so pretty good result.

    Last night, 2UP, busy, long queue to motorway, 65°F, 8mph cross/tailwind SSW:
    43.2 / 22.8

    This morning, 3UP again as car sharer's daughter was taking her last exam for her Master's Degree, 54°F, 9mph crosswind S:
    49.0 / 22.9

    Tank down 0.2 at 48.0 (FCD 50.6) / 496.0 / Range 150 . Guess gauge F____|_«««E . UG steady at 47.2 / DTE141

    Lost 5th pip @ 451 miles
    BillLin and puddleglum like this.
  13. RedylC94

    RedylC94 Well-Known Member

    Yeah, it was already unseasonably warm when I was in your state last Thursday. We checked out the new rail trail from Urbana to St. Joe.
    Gord and BillLin like this.
  14. EdwinTheMagnificent

    EdwinTheMagnificent Legend In His Mind

    Today , 72.5 deg F , wind SSE3. Another good highway commute. Which is the only way I go in the morning. About 8 miles suburban roads,

    then 23 miles on Interstates 88 and 355 , then 4 more miles suburban.

    35.0 miles , 70.77 MPG. Tank is at 636.1 miles , 71.24 MPG. Two pips remain ( barely).

    Not sure if I want to squeeze out three more 35 mile trips out of this tank , I may fill up Sat AM.
    Gord, BillLin and puddleglum like this.
  15. PaleMelanesian

    PaleMelanesian Beat the System Staff Member

    I loaded up a dozen 8ft folding tables in the trailer (I'd say 300 lb), headed home.
    40.6 mpg / 5.4 mi. STILL above 40. :D

    Then without the trailer this morning to school and work:
    60.3 mpg / 11.3 mi.

    Tank is down and slightly up, to 54.1 mpg / 616 mi, and the low fuel light just came on.
  16. Gord

    Gord Super Moderator Staff Member

    Last night, 2UP, stupid traffic, long queue to motorway, 55°F, 5mph tailwind W:

    43.5 / 22.4

    This morning, car sharer had to go in early so on my own, cool 40°F, 6mph head/crosswind SW:

    51.8 / 21.6 - nice to get a calculated over 50 on a colder day

    Tank down 0.1 at 47.9 (FCD 50.5) / 540.0 / Range 100 . Guess gauge F____|__««E . UG up 0.1 at 47.3 / DTE99

    Lost 5th pip @ 522 miles
    puddleglum and BillLin like this.
  17. jcp123

    jcp123 Caliente!

    Good news: nearly 10mpg at just shy of 50k lbs gross weight

    Bad news: this is my first time in a hurricane area. Sad to see debris piled high. You can smell the flood.

    Worse news: I was a minor celebrity at the food bank when I dropped my supplies off. You know it's bad when that happens.
  18. puddleglum

    puddleglum Well-Known Member

    First snow of the season yesterday morning. 32*F and 10-15 mph wind. Got up to 38*F so didn't stick but a reminder that winter isn't far off. 36*F this morning. Supposed to warm up next week though.
    4.6 L/100 km - 53.1 km over the last 2 days.
    Commute to work and back yesterday, then out again last night with the family. Commute to work today. Went to the south end of town ( 7 km of highway) before coming home.

    Tank at 4.6 L/100 km - 264 km F__/>>I>>>>E
    Gord and BillLin like this.
  19. Gord

    Gord Super Moderator Staff Member

    Going home lunchtime Friday on my own, 62°F, 9mph cross/tailwind SSW:

    48.2 / 21.1 Right foot dragged it down a bit! :rolleyes:

    Saturday morning, took youngest to Yorkshire Wildlife Park to be a ranger for the morning for her 13th birthday. 55°F, 6mph tailwind S. I went for a 43 mile bike ride and collected her again at 12:00:

    52.5 / 14.5
    49.1 / 14.5 - Back home, 64°F, 6mph headwind S

    Sunday evening took youngest's friend back home, 3UP, 64°F, 8mph head/crosswind ESE:

    53.7 / 17.9

    Back 2UP, stopped for a fill-up on the way back, 8mph tail/crosswind ESE:

    52.1 / 7.0

    Tank Stats

    Miles on tank: 615.0 miles
    GallsUS: 12.79
    Calc. MPG : 48.1 MPG
    Calc. Range: 38.3 miles (allowing for extra in tank)
    FCD Range: 25
    FCD MPG : 50.8 MPG (5.6% over-report)
    UG MPG : 47.7 MPG (0.84% under-report)
    No. of trips: 30
    Average trip length: 20.5
    Average speed 30mph
    Driving time on tank: 20hrs 46mins
    Days since last fill: 24
    Commuting: 73.2%
    Ave. Temperature: 58.9°F
    Ave. no. of people in car: 2.44
    Pmpg for the tank: 117.5

    From gas station to home:

    53.9 / 10.0

    New (30th) tank at 53.9 (FCD 56.8) / 10.0 / Range 605 . Guess gauge F««««|««««E . UG at 55.7 . DTE743
    BillLin likes this.
  20. EdwinTheMagnificent

    EdwinTheMagnificent Legend In His Mind

    Not great MPG this weekend. Went to Midway airport Sunday to pick up my friend , took her to her hotel , took us out to dinner, then home. About 70 miles , approx. 65 MPG.
    I had to hurry to get there on time ( then wait 20 min in the cellphone lot) and of course had to use A/C when she was in the car.
    Gord and BillLin like this.

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