Welcome back to the grind After last weeks big jump, gas prices continue to climb. The national average gas price is up 3¢ since last week to $2.668 - this time last year it was $2.181 so it's 22.3% (+48.7¢) more expensive. Diesel is also up to $2.712 (+5.4¢). It's now 15% (+35.4¢) more expensive than this time last year. Diesel is a tiny 1.7% premium to regular. _______________ No commute for me this week - car pooling
Today , back to work after a week off. 49 deg F , wind E2. I had to use electric front defrost this morning , which means another mile or more before I can get a true engine-off glide. 35.0 miles , 62.87 MPG. I didn't document all my driving while I was off , because I'm , uh, lazy. Saturday picked up Janice in Romeoville and we went to the city. By the time I got home in the wee hours , I had around 105 miles and 64.5 MPG. Could be worse. The rest of my driving was probably in the 68-70 MPG ballpark. Tank is at 474.5 miles , 68.45 MPG.
60.6 mpg / 11.4 mi to school and work this morning. 62F and humid Tank is up a tenth to 54.6 / 398 mi and juuuust above 1/2. I spent about 5 gallons of gas mowing 5 acres of overgrown field this weekend. ATV and a self-powered towable mower (briggs engine, big heavy blade, wheels, tow bar). The weeds were waist high with the occasional small tree and it munched it all up.
53.6 / 5.1 - home 54.4 / 11.4 - school and work Tank is steady at 54.6 / 426 mi and just below 1/2. F____^====E
Today , 59 deg F , wind N3. 35.0 miles , 65.94 MPG. Tank dropping ever-so-slowly and is 624.9 miles , 68.45 MPG. The trip into the city Saturday didn't help things. The upside ? When off work for those nine days last week , I drove a lot less than normal. Will probably fill up Thursday AM.
Filled up after visiting family this past week. Father had a heart cath done and my mum had another spinal fusion. Busy week for us! A disappointing, at least for me 44.5 MPG over 530 miles. Still higher than anything I ever got in my Focus, but still low. I blame it on the fact that I was going 70-75 most of the way home. I also had to pick up a new laptop finally. My old one has lived a good life, but it can't really be used anymore, nor can it be fixed. Oh well $600 down the drain could have been a lot worse.
Miserable mileage in the truck...have been stuck in a Maine-to-NJ mode lately...my sole break has been to Ohio, and back east. Big loads, and what passes for mountains in the east...I've gone from 7.9 mpg to 7.5 in a matter of days, spread over a mere 5600 miles as of tonight. Honestly, I don't know how those of you here in the Northeast do it. I get traffic, I grew up/learned to drive in Silicon Valley. And in your defense, slow drivers tend to have good lane discipline, staying to the right. Plus when I'm doing the Cross-Bronx, traffic flow and aggressiveness is almost verbatim what I gleaned in the Bay Area, so I can get with that vibe. But goodness it's a long corridor to trek. Merging into traffic is a mess, braking for me causes a way bigger problem than eating the fuel and going in front of me. I'm going to burn a lot more fuel than you would have. By far. And these traffic jams develop for...what reason? No major interchanges...it's an odd vibe that I'm not used to yet. And my paycheck sure shrinks with every day I'm here.
I feel for you, we've had more than our share of health issues as well. It's really tough. At least they pulled through and you still have them, right? That is something to be thankful for.
Drove the car to work for the first time in nearly a month. 45*F and raining all day. Got caught in the exit traffic out of the business park. Wasted some gas and lost my cool at the idiot honking at me for not rushing up to the long line of cars that wasn't moving anyway. Sure missed the bike. Stopped to pick up supper on the way home and out again later to pick up my son. 4.64 L/100km - 20.9km. I've bumped the offset on the SG so hopefully it will be more accurate this tank. Last Sunday's total was 4.15 L/100km - 16.4 km. Tank is showing 4.63 L/100km - 63.3 km (39.3 miles) I've been reviewing my mileage log for the first year of ownership. Lifetime avg. is 42 mpg. 3335 miles and 79.5 gal. I figure my commuting for work was 1800 miles so the rest was family use which would have needed to happen in the Rondo. Since it only gets about 22 in town, I figure I saved an extra 33.3 gal. over the 24.7 gal that I saved by beating the EPA rating. That's about $190 in fuel savings and covers what I've spent in maintenance this year.
Today , 61.5 deg F , wind N1 , fog. 35.1 miles (stopped for fuel) , 69.66 MPG. Tank is at 30.6 miles , 71.33 MPG. Filled up with 9.326 gallons of 87 E10 at $2.679 per , 663.7 miles. Last fillup was from a strange pump , so I will go off the fcd reading on this one. Fcd = 73.9 *.93 = 68.73 MPG. Sub -70.
Had a meeting after work yesterday. 43.5 / 2.4 - to a store 53.4 / 1.4 - to meeting 59.2 / 5.2 - home Than had a dr appointment this morning. 56.1 / 10.7 - school and dr 57.9 / 2.2 - work Tank is steady at 54.6 / 465 mi. F____|/___E
Tonight I'm headed to Houston with my church crew to do interior demolition of a Harvey flooded house. 57.4 / 5.3 - home last night 67.2 / 5.4 - out to band practice 59.2 / 5.4 - home again 52.6 / 11.3 - school and work, with a load of tools in the back. Leaving straight from work to meet my crew in the van. Tank is up 0.2 to 54.8 / 495 mi. F____|_/__E
Yes, they are both fine relatively. My dad sounded great the day after he was released, which is unusual for him. He's got a really bad heart, so we're all amazed he is still alive. My mum is home from the hospital and will be having PT done. Thanks yall for your thoughts.
Today , 64 deg F , wind S5. No highway , 16.2 miles , 80.82 MPG. Tank is at 131.3 miles , 73.66 MPG. Doing a lot of recreational (date-related) driving after work today , that average MPG will surely drop. Not going into THE city, but still from Aurora to Joliet to Oakbrook to Joliet to Aurora. Maybe 80 miles worth. But it will be fun.
6.52 km to work on Thursday 5*C, 4.75 L/100km. Left the car at work, had to bring work van home. 11.6 km home on Friday, 10*C. 4.22 L/100km. Had stops at a tool store and the drug store.
Lots of driving today (for me anyway). Grocery run with my wife to two stores then home. Back out to help a friend with a stop by work for tools first. Just got home and had to run back out for burgers. 4.1 L/100 km, 50.1 km total, temp ranged from 9-14 *C. Looks like the 20* plus days are probably done for this year. tank is showing 4.4 L/100 km, 132 km
Bit of driving in the Jazz/Fit over the weekend: Birthday lunch for 13 year old, 4UP to the restaurant: 52.0 / 5.7 51.1 / 5.6 Took middle daughter back to her University accommodation with load of stuff (back seats down) for her final year: 53.5 / 40.7 miles round trip