Week of September 4 to September 10 (Nat’l Avg $2.638)

Discussion in 'The Daily Grind' started by Gord, Sep 4, 2017.

  1. Gord

    Gord Super Moderator Staff Member

    Welcome back to the grind :D

    Gas prices have jumped as a result of Harvey, more details to follow.
  2. Gord

    Gord Super Moderator Staff Member

    The national average gas price is up a chunky 27¢ (+11.4%) since last week to $2.638 - this time last year it was $2.207 so it's 19.5% (+43.1¢) dearer. Diesel is up a smaller 4.9% to $2.659 (+12.3¢). It's now 12.4% (+29.3¢) more expensive than this time last year. Diesel is now at a tiny 0.8% premium to regular.

    I think gas is at a 2 year high :eek:

    This morning, 2UP, 64°F, 5mph cross/headwind SSW, schools are back today - much busier:
    46.5 / 22.3

    Tank down 1.8 at 51.4 (FCD 54.2) / 97.8 / Range 625 . Guess gauge F««««|««««E . UG up 0.1 at 44.1 . DTE499
    BillLin likes this.
  3. PaleMelanesian

    PaleMelanesian Beat the System Staff Member

    Prices are up from 1.99 to 2.39 here in North Texas. (and that's the best price in town)

    56.4 / 11.4 - school and work this morning

    Tank is at 54.5 / 308 mi.
    Gord and BillLin like this.
  4. alster

    alster Well-Known Member

    Up here in Northwestern Oregon , a long way from Texas, price for regular gas, 87 octane at Costco is $2.739 / gallon. Regular gas stations are near or at the $3/ gallon mark for regular 87 octane. Only a short few weeks ago I was paying $2.399 per gallon for 87 octane. I do recall paying more than $4.00 / gallon about 10 years ago or so, and nearly $5/ gallon for diesel fuel during that same period. My salary back then was way less as well, quite a big hit in the budget during those times...
    BillLin and Gord like this.
  5. Gord

    Gord Super Moderator Staff Member

    Last night, 2UP, motorway route, 71°F, 7mph tail/crosswind WSW:

    47.3 / 22.3

    This morning, 2UP, 61°F, 8mph cross/headwind SSW, better than Monday morning:

    49.3 / 22.5

    Tank down 1.0 at 50.4 (FCD 53.1) / 142.6 / Range 580 . Guess gauge F««««|««««E . UG up 1.1 at 46.5 / DTE486
    BillLin likes this.
  6. Blackbelt

    Blackbelt Well-Known Member

    Up to $2.89/gal here in W.PA, land of the highest gas tax in the nation. Jumped .25/gal literally overnight.
    Gord and BillLin like this.
  7. jcp123

    jcp123 Caliente!

    Glad I'd filled up when I did, $2.15 probably wasn't a great rate, but still.

    I'm up in the Northeast right now. Sitting in Bow, NH, incorporated 1727, the $2.75 rate for 87 glows rather angrily amidst the otherwise placid scenery. Seems to be between that and $3 more generally.
    Gord and BillLin like this.
  8. BillLin

    BillLin PV solar, geothermal HVAC, hybrids and electrics

    handy charts on gasbuddy.com

    Gord likes this.
  9. puddleglum

    puddleglum Well-Known Member

    I'd be thrilled if I could get $3.00/gal. Gas. Was at $3.61 but now at $4.00/gal. And our gas is well below the National average. Be thankful it's as cheap as it still is.
    Gord and BillLin like this.
  10. PaleMelanesian

    PaleMelanesian Beat the System Staff Member

    Whoa! Cold front came in overnight. 64F this morning.

    50.9 / 5.2 - home last night
    59.8 / 11.7 - school and work this morning

    Tank is up a tick to 54.6 / 325 mi.
    BillLin, puddleglum and Gord like this.
  11. Gord

    Gord Super Moderator Staff Member

    Tuesday night, 2UP, motorway route, 65°F, 6mph tail/crosswind NW:
    46.7 / 22.4

    This morning, 2UP, 64°F, 8mph headwind W:
    49.3 / 22.5

    Last night, 2UP, motorway route, 59°F, 6mph tailwind W:
    47.3 / 22.4

    Wife not well so quick trip for fish and chips:
    48.8 / 1.1
    49.0 / 1.1 - very pleased with these results for such a short run

    This morning, 2UP, was going well until we hit a big queue approaching city meant a bit of a detour, cool 52°F, 6mph head/crosswind SW:
    47.6 / 23.0

    Tank down 1.1 at 49.3 (FCD 52.0) / 235.1 / Range 460 . Guess gauge F_«««|««««E . UG up 0.6 at 47.1 / DTE401

    Lost first pip @ 146 miles
    BillLin and puddleglum like this.
  12. PaleMelanesian

    PaleMelanesian Beat the System Staff Member

    We're almost as cool as you, Gord! Cold front came in, unusual for this time of year. Some years we're still at 100, but 57 today!

    35.2 / 0.7 - from work to a store
    53.8 / 4.9 - home
    54.8 / 2 - out to youth group
    47.2 / 2 - back
    54.6 / 11.5 - school and work this morning

    54.5 / 346 on the tank.
    puddleglum, BillLin and Gord like this.
  13. Gord

    Gord Super Moderator Staff Member

    Sounds very cold for your location Andrew :eek:

    Last night, 2UP, very busy - worst run of the week, motorway route, raining 63°F, 9mph tail/crosswind SW:

    44.8 / 22.5

    This morning, 2UP, best run of the week, drizzling 54°F, 4mph head/crosswind WSW:

    50.2 / 22.8

    Tank down 0.5 at 48.8 (FCD 51.5) / 280.4 / Range 405 . Guess gauge F__««|««««E . UG up 0.2 at 47.3 / DTE357

    Lost second pip @ 240 miles
    PaleMelanesian and BillLin like this.
  14. PaleMelanesian

    PaleMelanesian Beat the System Staff Member

    We hit 55 degrees last night!

    55.3 / 5.2 - home last night
    62.1 / 11.5 - school and work this morning

    Tank 54.5 / 376 mi and nearing 1/2.
    BillLin likes this.
  15. jcp123

    jcp123 Caliente!

    Since we're talking weather...was mid-40s this morning in Eastern PA. Slated to be 39 tonight in Western PA. I've also been seeing the start of autumn colors along the west-central portion of I80 in PA. I'm not even sure I've had a high over 70 or 75 in about a week, been all over the northeast/New England, Maine to New Jersey, and out to Ohio in that time. Winter's a-coming!

    One interesting thing of note...though I've somewhat lost interest in listing my daily grind MPG in the truck (I don't do much, it's mostly the predictive cruise control), my company did up the max speed from 60 to 63mph. I thought that would almost certainly have a negative effect on fuel economy, but instead it's stayed flat. I've thought about this for a while and I think it has to do with the fact that I'm more easily able to make a smooth pass on slower vehicles using the additional speed, avoiding the accordion effect of being behind them. With a more constant speed, I'm guessing that cancels out the negatives of that higher speed. Over 4225 miles in the last week and change, I'm at 7.9mpg, which is about where I would have been before. And maybe ahead of that given that the Northeast is such a bugaboo.
    Gord and BillLin like this.
  16. Gord

    Gord Super Moderator Staff Member

    Going home lunchtime Friday, great run, 2UP, 62°F, 6mph tailwind W:

    51.1 / 22.6

    Sunday evening took youngest's friend back home, 4UP, 59°F, some rain, 12mph tail/crosswind WSW

    51.7 / 17.1
    48.1 / 17.1 Back 3UP, 13mph head/crosswind WSW

    Tank up 0.3 at 49.1 (FCD 51.8) / 337.2 / Range 340 . Guess gauge F___«|««««E . UG up 0.3 at 47.6 / DTE305
    Lost 3rd pip @ 313 miles
    BillLin likes this.
  17. PaleMelanesian

    PaleMelanesian Beat the System Staff Member

    I saw a similar effect with the Odyssey's, with automatic transmission, in the rolling hills. Better mpg at 55 mph than the minimum 5th gear speed of 45. You have no cushion to work the hills, so it downshifts. Keeping a higher speed allows some play while still being in top gear, giving a better overall result.
    Gord and BillLin like this.
  18. jcp123

    jcp123 Caliente!

    In some sense, what you're describing is a bit different, though in the Echo I likewise had to keep enough speed in the bank to crest hills without losing lockup (would do it under 36mph).

    In the truck, at 60, approaching someone at, say, 58mph, I usually need to buy myself time to pass. Thus, slow down and manually adjust my speed up and down to keep a safe distance that's still close enough to pass. Then accelerate past them when a big enough gap appears. At 63, by contrast, as soon as their slower speed pops up on my radar display (the only thing I like about my radar cruise control), I can usually more confidently pop over to the left lane, pass them with due haste, and get back over with no speed change. That's where I think the difference comes in.
    PaleMelanesian, Gord and BillLin like this.
  19. BillLin

    BillLin PV solar, geothermal HVAC, hybrids and electrics

    Interesting use of the radar cruise control. I like it! Future enhancement possibilities... show us the speeds of cars around us.
    Gord likes this.
  20. jcp123

    jcp123 Caliente!

    Sometimes that display is downright fun. I occasionally play some version of road bingo, clocking the super speeder of the day :D
    Gord and BillLin like this.

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