Week of August 14 to August 20 (Nat’l Avg $2.353)

Discussion in 'The Daily Grind' started by PaleMelanesian, Aug 14, 2017.

  1. PaleMelanesian

    PaleMelanesian Beat the System Staff Member

    Welcome back to a new week everyone!

    The national average gas price has gone up 0.6¢ since last week to $2.353 - this time last year it was $2.125 so it's now 10.7% (+22.8¢) dearer.
    Diesel is up to $2.528 (+1.6¢). It's now 10.2% (+23.5¢) more expensive than this time last year. Diesel is at a 7.4% premium to regular.

    65.3 mpg / 5.2 miles to work this morning.
    Tank is at 50.5 / 512 miles, a quarter full.
    Gord and BillLin like this.
  2. puddleglum

    puddleglum Well-Known Member

    Commute to work showed 47.2 - 4.1 miles, 72 - 4.8 miles home.

    Tank showing 55.7 mpg - 400 miles, 3/8 tank left.

    At this point, I'm pretty sure my SG is over reporting and my numbers are inflated. Not sure why as the last tank was almost bang on and I just made a very minor adjustment. Maybe I didn't actually get it full last time. Anyway, if the numbers are off, it's not intentional. It'll probably next month before I finish the tank to find out how much it's off. I like the Scangauge, but I have always found it hard to dial in accurately.
    Gord and BillLin like this.
  3. Gord

    Gord Super Moderator Staff Member

    Sorry I was late starting the thread guys! Thanks Andrew :) - had a visitor at work all yesterday :rolleyes:. I've added the gas price info to your post!

    Welcome back to the grind :D

    Not my turn to drive this week but drove this morning as car is due it's first service and it's easier to get it collected and returned to work, 13°C, 7mph head/crosswind SW:

    52.2 / 22.7

    Tank up 0.6 at 46.8 (FCD 49.4) / 198.5 / Range 470 . Guess gauge F_«««|««««E .

    No data from UltraGauge as I've had to unplug it as the car needs a software update.

    The tank is sure to take a hit but got to be done! First time I've had a car that goes 2 years between services!
  4. EdwinTheMagnificent

    EdwinTheMagnificent Legend In His Mind

    Today , 66 deg F , wind W3 (tailwind). 35.0 miles , 70.59 MPG. Tank is at 192.0 miles , 72.17 MPG. Nice weather has been pretty steady here. Had a good 45 minutes of frisbee with Kelly after dinner yesterday.
    Gord, puddleglum and BillLin like this.
  5. RoweK

    RoweK New Member

    Great weather for a trip ;)
    BillLin likes this.
  6. PaleMelanesian

    PaleMelanesian Beat the System Staff Member

    headwind going home, 47.6 mpg. 90F, heat index 102
    clear this morning, 62 mpg. 82F overnight low

    Tank is up a tenth to 50.7 / 533 mi.
    Gord, puddleglum and BillLin like this.
  7. Gord

    Gord Super Moderator Staff Member

    Got car back from service last night and (with a bit if calculation as trip had reset before they returned my car) they managed to do 23.1 miles @ 24mpg :eek:

    Tank down 3.9 at 42.9 (FCD 45.3) / 221.6 / Range 470 (down 70) . Guess gauge F__««|««««E .

    Lost 2nd pip sometime during their possession, I'll guess at 200 miles :rolleyes:!

    Motorway last night, 2UP, 68°F, raining, 6mph tailwind S, pretty good run:

    48.7 / 22.3

    Tank up 0.5 at 43.4 (FCD 45.8) / 243.9 / Range 395 . Guess gauge F__««|««««E . UG at 44.1 / DTE420.3

    I plugged UltraGauge back in at home and it remembered everything from Monday night when I unplugged it so I don't have to set it all up again :cool: but I won't bother reporting it for rest of this tank as it's missed quite a few miles and the service.
    BillLin likes this.
  8. PaleMelanesian

    PaleMelanesian Beat the System Staff Member

    I know that feeling, Gord. :(

    55.3 / 5.3 - home last night
    65.5 / 5.2 - this morning

    Tank is up a tick to 50.8 / 543 mi.

    I never got a good "clean" tank this summer without school duty. Between trailer towing errands and the low battery problem I had, there were some real stinker days in there. I'd say 60 is possible in summer based on my numbers today.
    BillLin and Gord like this.
  9. EdwinTheMagnificent

    EdwinTheMagnificent Legend In His Mind

    Today , 73 deg F , wind SSW10. Conditions were perfect. 16.2 miles , no highway , tailwind , but still sometimes I had to light up the ICE. 84.16 MPG. Tank is at 293.0 miles , 72.17 MPG.
    Gord and BillLin like this.
  10. PaleMelanesian

    PaleMelanesian Beat the System Staff Member

    52.2 / 5.2 - home last night
    68.7 / 5.2 - this morning, fleeing in front of a storm that was blowing in

    Tank is up a tick to 50.9 / 554 mi.
    Gord and BillLin like this.
  11. BillLin

    BillLin PV solar, geothermal HVAC, hybrids and electrics

    Edwin - That's awesome!

    Andrew - Keep up the good work 'fixing' the tank.
    Gord likes this.
  12. PaleMelanesian

    PaleMelanesian Beat the System Staff Member

    Thanks, Bill. Not much left in this one, sadly. It's below 1/4.
    BillLin likes this.
  13. BillLin

    BillLin PV solar, geothermal HVAC, hybrids and electrics

    Still, 50+ MPG on a tank with so many things working against you... anyone else would be glad to have that! :)
    PaleMelanesian likes this.
  14. EdwinTheMagnificent

    EdwinTheMagnificent Legend In His Mind

    Thanks , Bill. Today , 64.5 deg F , wind W8. 35.0 miles , 68.63 MPG. Tank is at 362.1 miles , 71.05 MPG.
    puddleglum and BillLin like this.
  15. PaleMelanesian

    PaleMelanesian Beat the System Staff Member

    48.5 / 5.3 - home last night, low for some reason ??
    46 / 7.0 - to school for Meet the Teacher night
    55.9 / 7.0 - back home

    66.1 / 5.2 - better this morning

    Tank is up another tenth to 51 / 585 mi. And the low fuel light came on.
    BillLin likes this.
  16. BillLin

    BillLin PV solar, geothermal HVAC, hybrids and electrics

    Oh well... what's that, another hundred miles left to bring the tank average up? :D
    Gord likes this.
  17. PaleMelanesian

    PaleMelanesian Beat the System Staff Member

    :D That is a possibility! But... I needed gas for the mower this weekend, and it's silly to not fill my car with the low fuel light on while I'm at the gas station. So I filled it.

    41.7 / 2.2 - gas station
    48.9 / 5.6 - home for the lunch I forgot this morning. :eek:
    64.3 / 5.1 - work

    590 miles
    11.209 gallons
    52.6 mpg, 1.5 higher than SG was telling me!
    puddleglum and BillLin like this.
  18. BillLin

    BillLin PV solar, geothermal HVAC, hybrids and electrics

    PaleMelanesian and Gord like this.
  19. EdwinTheMagnificent

    EdwinTheMagnificent Legend In His Mind

    Today , 61.5 deg F , wind N1. 35.0 miles , 66.12 MPG. Tank is at 433.4 miles , 70.87 MPG. Scenic route home today , then no more driving until Monday morning.
    Gord, puddleglum and BillLin like this.
  20. Gord

    Gord Super Moderator Staff Member

    Sunday lunchtime took youngest's friend back home who'd stayed overnight, 4UP, 67°F:

    52.8 / 17.1
    47.7 / 17.1 back home 3UP

    Total for trip 50.1 / 34.2 miles

    Tank up 0.7 at 44.1 (FCD 46.5) / 278.1 / Range 355 . Guess gauge F__««|««««E

    Went for a longer bike ride Sunday afternoon, managed 60.4 miles @ 17.8mph average.
    puddleglum and BillLin like this.

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