Welcome back to the grind The national average gas price is up 3.2¢ since last week to $2.284 - this time last year it was $2.165 so it's 5.5% (+11.9¢) cheaper. Diesel is up to $2.454 (+1.1¢). It's now only 4.9% (+11.4¢) more expensive than this time last year. Diesel is a 7.4% premium to regular. _______________ No commute for me this week - car pooler is driving again so he's doing what would have been my week
Enjoy getting to be a passenger Gord. Back to work for me. One quick stop on the way home helped avoid most of the usual traffic jam getting away from work. 60.2 mpg - 9.5 miles total
Extra trips around town today in addition to my work commute. 60.1 mpg - 20.3 miles total. 5 one way trips. Tank is up to 55.9 mpg - 252 miles
Today , 65.5 deg F , wind S6 (nice). No highway , 16.1 miles , 80.63 MPG. Tank is at 193.2 miles , 69.19 MPG. We could have more rain (flooding) here later today. This hasn't really affected me yet , but some people have been hit hard.
Last day at work for me for 17 days vacation Heads up - I may not be able to start next 2 week's thread!
Today , 71.5 deg F , wind N4. 35.0 miles , 67.15 MPG. Tank is at 262.7 miles , 69.94 MPG. My typical commute , and the ONLY route in the morning , is 8 miles of suburban roads , 23 miles of highway , then 4 more miles of suburban. I can hit 70-80 MPG (fcd) during the first 8 miles , but I can't maintain that on the highway. Going home , I sometimes take the "scenic" route. While this is not really "scenic" ( suburban Chicago, ya know) , it means no highway , and almost all roads are at least two lanes each way. Lots of opportunities to glide. If I don't say (fcd) , all numbers I post are calculated with a .93 factor to compensate for Toyota's lying fcd. That's why my numbers often have two decimal places.
Today , 66.5 deg F wind NNE9 (headwind). 35.2 miles , 65.56 MPG. Tank is at 332.0 miles , 69.84 MPG. I had to make short trip at lunchtime. I NEVER do that, but today I had to. 2.3 miles , 50.50 MPG.
Well, I thought I would be riding the bike today as I have the last couple of days but I realized last night I broke a spoke and the rear rim is warped pretty bad. I'm really hoping I can fix it this weekend as next week is supposed to be nice. I got sent home early today as it was slow, but on the upside, I missed rush hour and I only had to stop 3 times. SG showed a new personal best for my trip home. 77.9 mpg - 4.8 miles. Went back out for a couple of errands in the afternoon. Ended the day with 62.1 - 14 miles. avg speed 17 mph. Yeah, I'm a real speed demon Tank is showing 56.2 at 265.8 miles
Today , 62 deg F , wind NE6(headwind). 16.2 miles, no highway , 76.63 MPG. Tank is at 368.3 miles , 70.12 MPG. Will go for a bike ride somewhere today. I may go east from here ( Elk Grove Village ) to the forest preserves along the Desplaines River and see where they go. I brought the Trek with me , because that's the one that actually fits in the car ! The Giant barely fits , I have to almost jam it in there and I worry about breaking the car or the bike doing so.
Did my usual Saturday trip over to the south side of Edinburgh today. It was windy but around 18°C. On the return journey there was a horrendous queue for the Forth Road Bridge. I gathered ScanGauge data. Average mpg: 55.8 mpg Max coolant temp: 91°C Distance travelled: 80.1 miles Maximum revs: 3856 rpm Max speed: 59 mph Average speed: 32 mph
Saturday , I found out that it's a safe and easy ride to get TO the DesPlaines River Trail. about 6 miles, mostly side walk ( good thing NO ONE walks in suburban Cook County) and a little street where there was a wide shoulder. My ride was only 14 miles , but I was not prepared for a longer ride ( no hat). Jus a scouting expedition. Next time I will go north or sought from Oakton when I get to the trail and see where ten miles gets me. Driving home Saturday , I had a "perfect storm" for MPG. Temp = low 80s F , wind from NE , which helped me even more than the same wind hurt in the AM. 33.3 miles , 83.98 MPG.(PR) Time and average speed ? Dunno , but you can bet average speed was around 20 MPH. Tank is at 401.7 miles , 70.12 MPG. I don't expect to drive at all today , but had a 14.4 mile ride on the Giant this morning , and probably a 29-30 mile ride on the Trek a little later.
Drove to church and back Sunday with a stop at the supermarket on the way home. Out again later to the park and back. 4.6 l/100 - 20.6 km total. Edwin, did you enjoy your ride?
Hi puddleglum , The fact that I had no hat , bright sunshine , and little hair to protect my dome made it a shorter ride. But I will tackle it again soon. I am looking for a shorter route to India, I heard there might be one. Edwin The Explorer