Welcome back to the grind The national average gas price continues to fall, down 3.7¢ since last week to $2.347 - this time last year it was $2.212 so it's 6.1% (+13.5¢) more expensive. Diesel is also down at $2.512 (-1.4¢). It's now 12.9% (+28.8¢) more expensive than this time last year. Diesel is at an increased 7% premium to regular. _______________ No commute for me this week - car pooling
Thanks for starting our thread, Gord. Today , 35 deg F , not sure about wind. 35.1 miles , 61.1 MPG. Tank is at 448.0 miles , 63.15 MPG.
Friday going home 61.2 / 12.9 miles (72F NNW@8) FCD = 58.5 (+3.9) this morning with school drop off: 53.8 / 13.0 miles (62F S@7) FCD = 57.9 (-0.6) tank: 0.73 gals converted 40.5 miles ^F
54.2 / 11.5 - school and work this morning 50.5 / 4.9 - lunchtime to the feed store. Load up 250 lb. 56.6 / 3.1 - grocery. Bread and ham and cheese for the week's lunches. 53.9 / 2.2 - work. Was 55.5 until I backed into the space on the shady side of the building. Texas summer is here. Tank is steady at 53.6 / 425 mi and just below 1/2. F____|/___E
Today 40.5 deg F , rain all the way in , wind E9 ( headwind 1/2 the way). 33.3 miles , 55.6 MPG. Tank is at 515.5 miles , 62.87 MPG.
55.0 / 5.2 - home last night, 86F 57.4 / 11.5 - school and work this morning, 69F In other words, it's Summer. I've had the grille block out for a while, running only the engine belly pan. Tank is up 0.2 to 53.8 / 441 mi. F____|_/___E
I still have my lower grill block in but I may have to take out here in a while. Just another thing to get lost in the move I fear. I have only been up over 200F a few times when it has been warm out or the EBH heater has been used in the mornings. last night: 66.4 / 12.9 miles (78F S@9 2.5 hrs later than normal from work) also lady pulls out in front of me after I get to 45 and turn engine off, then doesn't go anywhere, had to throw away a bunch of momentum. and it was a good gliding area. FCD = 60.1 (+2.2) this morning with school drop off: 55.3 / 13.0 miles (65F SSW@8) FCD = 59.1 (-1.0) tank: 1.17 gals converted 66.1 miles ^F
One lost glide can mean a lot of MPG on a short trip. Today , came from my friend's house , so no highway. 46 deg F , wind ENE4 (very slight headwind) . 16.3miles , 70.4 MPG. As always , all MPG numbers are corrected with a 0.93 factor to compensate for Toyota's willful and blatant fcd error. Tank is now at 549.6 miles , 63.15 MPG. Two pips remain. If weather holds up ( and I'm brave ) I may squeeze out another 1.5 days on this tank and fill up near home Thursday afternoon at about 650 miles.
54.4 / 5.4 - home last night, 84F 56.4 / 11.5 - school and work this morning, 65F Tank is steady (how?) at 53.8 / 458 mi F____|_/__E
Today , 49.5 deg F wind NE7 (headwind). 35.1 miles , 61.57 MPG. Tank is at 618.3 miles , 63.52 MPG. Last pip started flashing at 595 miles. Will full up near home tonight at approx. 648 miles. Last night's trip home ( scenic route) sure helped to prop this tank up (71.78 MPG). Shooting for an other 70+ trip back to the gas station tonight.
55.1 / 5.4 - home last night 50.5 / 11.4 - school and work this morning. They changed the timing of a major light, so I had to wait 4 cycles to get through, creeping uphill each time. It's a major intersection, 6 lanes each way, and the into-town direction only lets 5 cars through, at 7:50 am (per lane, so 15). Huh? Tank is steady at 53.8 / 475 mi. F____|_/__E
Today , 45 deg F , wind N3. 33.3 miles , 61.1 MPG. The shorter route going in isn't always the greatest. There is an opportunity for a long glide on Rte 34 betwee 75th St and Rte 59. Right in the middle of that stretch is a traffic signal that is really frustrating ! I understand that at the time I go to work , the signals in my area are triggered by traffic approaching on the cross streets. But you can't always see them before you commit to a pulse , and sometimes have to squander momentum. I hate when that happens ! Maybe I need to observe and practice. Yesterday's trip home was nice. Scenic route , tail wind( I think) , temperature around 60. 35.2 miles , 77.38 MPG. Filled up on the way home ay my usual Shell. 649.2 miles / 9.996 gallons = 64.95 MPG. And we've had a colder-than-normal May so far. Fcd said 68.8 for a 5.9% over-report.
They fixed the light timing. It lets about 10 cars through now, which is enough to avoid any backup. I only waited one cycle. But the weather! Oh my! We were out at dinner for a child's birthday when the tornado sirens started. Looking up on my phone, the danger zone is just north of town, where we live. So we stayed a while until the All Clear signal came through. Drove home still in the rain, everything is fine at home. Friends just a short distance upwind (up-storm? ) from us have trees down all over their yard. A full grown oak missed the house by literally an inch. Other trees snapped off halfway up. They're fine, the house looks like it had a protective bubble covering it while the twister passed by. 56.4 / 3.2 - work to restaurant 42.3 / 6.2 - home in the rain 55.3 / 11.5 - school and work this morning Tank is down 0.2 to 53.6 / 496 mi. F____|__/__E
Place I work at gives us gas money if prices average is above a certain price point. I got a 'gas reimb' -$10 on my check. Took that and some change and bought a 12 Oz Dogfish head 120
I've had their 90 minute IPA and it was awesome. Bet the 120 is even better ! Today , 46.5 deg F , no wind. 35.0 miles , 62.22 MPG. Tank is at 106.6 miles , 66.4 MPG.
Saturday morning, 3UP to father-in-law's house, then 4UP to garden centre for full English breakfast and back, 10mph crosswind S, 50°F going 57°F back: 41.7 / 3.4 44.2 / 5.1 42.5 / 5.0 41.8 / 3.5 Went for a 50.3 mile bIke ride Sunday morning, 16.3mph average Sunday in the Jazz/Fit Si, great run to a 50th birthday party and back - under the right conditions it's so capable - very quiet roads meant some lovely glides, 2UP, 63°F, 9mph tailwind going, headwind back WSW: 65.1 / 8.3 63.9 / 8.3
Nice ride , Gord ! I did a 25 mile ride Saturday on the new 27.5" bike , and felt good. Riding with the young guys ( 21 and 31 ) , so I had to charge pretty hard. I needed to show them I wasn't old and feeble yet ! And of course , stopped at brewery along the way ( Church Street Brewing, Itasca, IL). Drove about 140 miles between Sat and Sun , did not document it , but all trips were high 60's or barely 70+ MPG. Weather was perfect (75 deg F) , except for wind.
I took the trailer out on Saturday. Loaded up my Swisher brush mower and visited my brother-in-law's auto shop. Got it running again, spent the afternoon chewing down knee-high blackberry thickets in the back field. And a few small trees. (up to 2" diameter, 10ft tall = crunch munch bye bye ) Of course, mpg was bad. 29.8 / 3.0 - to shop 34.6 / 1.8 - to hardware store for some lumber 35.3 / 3.5 - back home Tank mpg dropped a whole mpg to 52.5 / 514 mi. F____|__/__E