I just watched "The Terminator" (1984) again. This frame is from the end of the film. Probably meant figuratively, but a storm approaches.
Time for that police(?) car to get out of there. No one would be foolish enough to go down that road.
Hi All: It is either too #warm or storming this summer. A sign of things to come? #Efficient #long #distance #traveler
Yeah, I would drive into that alien Landing site ahead. Just the Aurora Borealis seen through a tree lined path.
Would love to hear the traffic report, on post #37. Could start: "you might want to avoid...", lol. http://www.cleanmpg.com/community/index.php?threads/53281/page-2#post-419141 The cars look stationary, transfixed, and there's a tumbleweed going by, lower left corner.