Week of February 15 to February 21 (Nat'l Avg price $1.696)

Discussion in 'The Daily Grind' started by Die2self, Feb 15, 2016.

  1. PaleMelanesian

    PaleMelanesian Beat the System Staff Member

    Edwin - If it's a headwind, I'd take whichever is slower speed, so the wind has less effect.
    Gord - ugh. Hate those conditions.
    JCP - keep on keepin' on. Don't let it get you down.

    60.3 / 5.3 - home last night, tailwind and 78°F!
    58.2 / 4.7 - out to a meeting
    56.7 / 5.9 - to gas station. 60 miles past the E light, estimated I had an actual gallon left before dead.

    63.3 / 5.6 - home after filling
    56.3 / 10.1 - to school this morning
    56.6 / 7.1 - work

    600 miles even :D
    11.978 gallons - means I had exactly 1 gallon left.
    50.1 mpg
  2. EdwinTheMagnificent

    EdwinTheMagnificent Legend In His Mind

    That was my guess. The scenic route is also shorter in miles and saves $.95 in toll. :)
  3. Die2self

    Die2self Saving more by using less!

    sounds like a winner Edwin.

    wow 2.3 gals extra in a 10.6 gal tank. This is why I setup my SG to a 12 gal tank instead of 10.6.

    last night with howling winds from the S which is head wind for me on the way home :mad:
    - 59.8 / 13.0 miles (70F S@24 gusting to 41) a motel 6 sign was blown down with a 50 MPH wind gust in town. That is just below Sever Thunderstorm levels.
    FCD = 56.4 (+0.4)
    The max I drive on the way home is 45 MPH. Usually around 30-35 so the wind has less effect, but still some at that speed.

    this morning (no school today teacher in-service)
    - 58.8 / 13.0 miles (61F SSW@19 gusting to 29) hopefully the winds will die down a bit by this afternoon)
    FCD = 56.7 (+0.3)

    2.67 gals converted
    148.2 miles
  4. jcp123

    jcp123 Caliente!

    Per NOAA, I faced crosswinds from the SW from Indy to Chicagoland today with sustained winds of 35mph gusting to as much as 50mph. Enough to shut down some sections of the CTA green line on the South Side, and to knock out some power here and there, manifested by a few intersections controlled by police in lieu of the dead stop lights. Gale warnings were up for parts of Lake Michigan. As the trip was roughly NNE, I feel pretty good having eked out a 7.5mpg day, I don't think the light load contributed much but it didn't hurt.
  5. Gord

    Gord Super Moderator Staff Member

    Friday lunchtime, 2UP, 45.5°F 13mph tail/crosswind SW:
    44.6/ 22.2

    To Norfolk, 46°F, 13mph crosswind then tail/crosswind SW:
    50.2 / 115.5

    Got stuck down a dead-end dirt track :oops:, much toing and froing and messing about with bits of wood - mud flying everywhere. Roped in a local with a bit of carpet, eventually got free after about half an hour with 2 people pushing, used about 0.1 gallons of gas :(

    Coming back Sunday morning, very mild 57°F, 21mph head then head/crosswind, gusting to 38mph:
    46.7 / 89.3 Stopped for fuel with 20 miles on range and 26 to go. Wife didn't want me to risk it :rolleyes::

    Lost fifth pip @ 403 miles
    Lost sixth pip @ 478 miles
    Lost seventh pip @ 527 miles

    Tank Stats

    Miles on tank: 566.7 miles
    GallsUS: 12.94
    Calc. MPG : 43.8 MPG
    Calc. Range: 27.9 miles (allowing for extra in tank)
    FCD Range: 20 miles
    FCD MPG : 46.30 MPG (5.43% higher than actual )
    UG MPG : 43.16 MPG (1.43% lower than actual)
    No. of trips: 23
    Average trip length: 25.8
    Days since last fill: 15
    % Commuting: 49.4%
    Ave. Temperature: 42°F
    Ave. no. of people in car: 1.87
    Pmpg for the tank: 81.8

    Gas station to home, 57°F, 21mph head/crosswind WSW:
    46.7 / 26.4
  6. EdwinTheMagnificent

    EdwinTheMagnificent Legend In His Mind

    This weekend , I only drove 3.1 miles to breakfast and back. ( she didn't want to ride bikes. Go figure. ) But a little later in the day I rode 35.0 miles out to Sugar Grove and back. The Virgil L. Gilman trail is really nice ( paved for all but 0.5 km) , which is good because the trails are pretty soggy this time of year. I don't want to get dirty , and mostly I don't want to destroy the trail by riding when it's too wet. Sunday , rode about ten miles to health club, then stopping at three car dealerships on the way home. The Mitsubishi dealer had plenty of Mirages , all 2015 models , all but two were CVT. I still like that little car , but don't think I will be replacing the Prius with one. :)

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