Hi All: Do you think you have it bad? I have to give credit to those poor bastards on the 405 each and every day... The witch called the 405 between LAX and the 5 was brewing a truly nasty concoction thus evening. The 405 from LAX to the 405/5 interchange. A whopping 12.2 miles in one solid hour at 16.7 mpg in the 2016 Nissan Titan XD. 28.9 miles at the two hour mark. 51.0 miles at the 2.5 hour mark... And it just kept on going. Sometimes you bite the bear and sometimes it bites you. It bit about .3 million people hard tonight and there was not a damn thing anyone was going to do about it. Stopped at a rest area to post this and ... And never you mind. Wayne
What is the 4x4 icon indicating next to the PRND ? That's usually the symbol it shows when it's in 4-HI
Wow some traffic is the weather THAT nice? Traffic earthquakes drought wild fires water too cold to swim in-except farther south and FILLED WITH CALIFORNIANS-(just kidding but I had to take a swipe at you West Coasters) Charlie