Hi All: While it is a bit old in the tooth, it is a good showing of this big @$$ lifted Duramax getting owned by a std. V10 TDI VW Touareg. [flash]http://www.youtube.com/v/PChYSaxKCGM?version=3[/flash] The 4x4'er should have never placed what appears to be off road tires on his Duramax. Wayne
Re: Dude, I Out Pulled Your Chevrolet Durmax with My Moms Car An act of god? Did the VW make it without breaking anything???
Re: Dude, I Out Pulled Your Chevrolet Durmax with My Moms Car someone said the dmax busted his tierods doing this - common problem with 4x4s launching hard and not having sleeves (edit - I'd agree - 38 second mark you hear the snap) I wouldnt mess with a touareg myself http://www.duramaxforum.com/forum/general-diesel-videos/151473-saw-sad-video-fb.html
Re: Dude, I Out Pulled Your Chevrolet Durmax with My Moms Car One of these days I'm going to be dumb enough, or have enough booze to try a tug of war. But I'm going to be in the van, loaded with all my equipment, water tanks full (200+ gallons) and a high height hitch insert.
Re: Dude, I Out Pulled Your Chevrolet Durmax with My Moms Car But, dude , a guy has to look cool, ya know. That Touareg was a monster , but a bit too expensive for their intended market. Remember the Phaeton ?
Re: Dude, I Out Pulled Your Chevrolet Durmax with My Moms Car The Duramax had more torque than it could put down. That's typical for the way most vehicles are put together. You really don't have to break anything for that to be the case in an unloaded pickup. What it looked like to me was when the Touareg let off the brake the truck bounced a little, momentarily taking some weight off the rear wheels which let the wheels start spinning. Of course with a lifted truck it's pretty easy to believe something wasn't put together right too.
The Step is dead on Nice low van-LOADED to the gills-street tires torque doesn't matter without traction The VW had decent traction sitting tall-unloaded pickup- heck look at pickups hard and they lose traction Bet that VW has fancy performance type tires-tires that brake well-corner well Tuaregs are/were busy fighting the French in Mali- but they switched sides-now they are on the French side In any case that wasn't a great name choice-no ones knows what/who they are and those that do might see them as typical violent backstabbing 7th century 3rd worlders Should stick with more general names-Nomad-that is a name that should return Cruze Spark Sonic sissy names ?? Nomad- muy macho Nova- not bad Duramax ok Ram- great! Powerstroke- maybe not so good-I can see an off color joke there
while I find this video funny. some people think its fully legit. the VW also has Im guessing a MUCH more sophisticated traction control type of system, vs the trucks zero traction control. once the truck started spinning traction is all but gone, and the taureg could easily walk away. there is a vid of a diesel ram towing a chevy around a parking lot. funny, but again not a good comparison. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vpenUvtiiUQ