How Far is Wayne Planning to Go Next Marathon?

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by Chuck, Oct 26, 2006.

  1. Chuck

    Chuck just the messenger

    For those wondering how far Wayne wants to go on the next marathon.... here
  2. tbaleno

    tbaleno Well-Known Member

    HAH! Great job.
  3. diamondlarry

    diamondlarry Super MPG Man/god :D

    I was wondering about hypermiling the USS Enterprise. How many light years can you go on a tank of deuterium?:D
  4. Chuck

    Chuck just the messenger

    For that mission you know Picard would be better than Kirk. :D

    Scotty: ...but Captain, she'll blow, if this keeps up...
    Kirk: MORE!!!

    Ever more deafening hum....
  5. xcel

    xcel PZEV, there's nothing like it :) Staff Member

    Hi Chuck:

    ___I know all of us would eventually get there but at an average speed of 18 mph, it might take a while ;)

    ___Good Luck

  6. tbaleno

    tbaleno Well-Known Member

    You should be able to raise your high end pulse and have a very long high speed glide.

    BTW. Who wants to do me a favor and figure out the MPG of a rocket to the moon and back?
  7. Chuck

    Chuck just the messenger

    When it gets about 500 miles above Earth (i.e. reaches escape velocity), the FE is about infinity. :)
  8. tbaleno

    tbaleno Well-Known Member

    right. so, how much fuel us used?
  9. brick

    brick Answers to "that guy."

    I ran around the internet looking for numbers, and came up with 750,000mi travelled by the Apollo 11 astronauts and a total propellant capacity of 7.24 million pounds. If you figure that all the propellant was liquid hydrogen and oxygen (not true, but makes for a simpler analysis) then you end up with ~850,000lb of liquid hydrogen, which takes up about 1.5 million gallons. That comes out to about 0.5mpg, not including the oxidizer. If you want, you can figure it in terms of GGE by accounting for low energy density of liquid hydrogen vs. gasoline. That gets you about 2MPGGE. So space travel on a Saturn V is kind of like driving a H2 at 50mph through ankle-deep water.
  10. Chuck

    Chuck just the messenger

    Maybe it would get better on a trip to Mars....
  11. tbaleno

    tbaleno Well-Known Member

    Maybe someone should post this question to slashdot and of course make a link back to this site ;)

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