The found the 20-year old Milwaukee grocery clerk that posted the dirty bomb hoax (see MSNBC story). Turns out he posted it 40 times. My picture of the one that did this and trollers in general is a 20-something prankster that has nothing better to do wasting others' time with such scares, and smugly laugh their butt over a six-pack. I'll bet the FBI has already put the suspect on the receiving end of a scare very effectively, but hope it's just the start. Tim Berners-Lee vision of the World Wide Web was not a cyberspace version of the Old Wild West - too many people like this grocery clerk that think they are free to ruin it without consequence for the rest of us. This clerk need to be tried, and convicted of a felony and have the thought drilled into his head he will never be anonyous on the web. This needs to be a message to anyone else to plant doubt they can get away with such antics. Part of the punishment should be a ban from using the internet for at least ten years. It needs to be stressed that intenet usage is like driving - it's a privilege that can be removed if abused.