Alumini That Should Have Been at The Insight Marathon

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by Chuck, Oct 20, 2006.

  1. Chuck

    Chuck just the messenger

    I don't know the alma matter for everybody that went to the Insight Marathon, but the Texas/OU game was mentioned. In this part of the country one university has a reputation for engineers. They were not represented. Know who? (hint: the font color another hint :D )
  2. psyshack

    psyshack He who posts articles

    University of Arkansas???? LOLOLOLOLOL

    Go Pig Sooie!!!!!!
  3. Chuck

    Chuck just the messenger

    Nope - did you hear the Fight Song in the link?

    I joke that Worf on Star Trek: The Next Generation is actually the first extra-terrestial member of their alumini. :D

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