Hi all! I'm a cataloger in a university library, & recently 2 books came across my desk that I thought might be of interest to some of you - the links below are to our online catalog records: https://millib.wisconsin.edu/cgi-bi...LL&PID=12171&SEQ=20061005115933&CNT=50&HIST=1 https://millib.wisconsin.edu/cgi-bi...LL&PID=12171&SEQ=20061005120211&CNT=50&HIST=1 The first one is pretty technical (as in *way* over my head!); the second addresses hybrids as well as some other "green" transportation options. Enjoy!
Sorry, Tom - these are from Amazon.com: http://www.amazon.com/Electric-Hybr...ef=sr_1_1/104-9528542-6438312?ie=UTF8&s=books http://www.amazon.com/Business-Sust...=pd_bbs_1/104-9528542-6438312?ie=UTF8&s=books
Hi Debbie: ___Both look like excellent reads but oh how I am short on time Maybe on my next vacation I can find/order them up at my local library around Christmas possibly? Bradlee has some interesting titles I intend to read someday as well … ___Are you two heading up to Madison for their group meet this weekend by chance? ___Good Luck and thanks for the links! ___Wayne