Re: Wayne (Xcel) Gerdes Condition: {UPDATE} 8:00 PM Tuesday 15, 2006

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by tigerhonaker, Aug 11, 2006.

  1. tigerhonaker

    tigerhonaker Platinum Contributor


    Just called me at work around 3:50 PM today Friday 11, 2006. He said he has been in the {Hospital} for the past 3-4 Days. He is still there as of this last phone call to me today.

    He said if they release him he will (Try) to get on Chat or Post this evening. If they release him.

    He said he was at work and "Pulled-His-Back-Muscles". I take it that it must have been Bad for him to have gone to the Hospital and still there after 3-4 Days.

    Tom, I would have given you a call but do-not have any of your numbers. Sorry :(

    tiger (Terry)

    BTW, How about some Post here to CHEER-WAYNE-UP !!!!!!! :D
  2. Chuck

    Chuck just the messenger

    Re: Wayne (Excel) Gerdes=Hospital Last 3-4 Days:


    I had assumed it was work.

    I think he will be heartened to know CleanMPG has averaged 60 members daily the last week.

    If been blessed with few back problems, even though my sitting posture can be very bad.

    Get well, Wayne.
  3. tigerhonaker

    tigerhonaker Platinum Contributor

    Re: Wayne (Excel) Gerdes=Hospital Last 3-4 Days:


    I took the time out to call and leave a message on (Waynes) cell phone about the 60-Members for the Past Week on CleanMPG. :)

  4. hawkgt647

    hawkgt647 Well-Known Member

    Re: Wayne (Excel) Gerdes=Hospital Last 3-4 Days:

    Hope you are feeling better - I know back pain can be extreme

    Wishing you well!
  5. psyshack

    psyshack He who posts articles

    Re: Wayne (Excel) Gerdes=Hospital Last 3-4 Days:

    Get well Wayne. I have a awful back myself. Hope your heals quick.

  6. tbaleno

    tbaleno Well-Known Member

    Re: Wayne (Excel) Gerdes=Hospital Last 3-4 Days:

    Awww. I bet his company wants him to stay in the hospital to make sure he is better so they can give him as little benifits as possible.
  7. tbaleno

    tbaleno Well-Known Member

    Re: Wayne (Excel) Gerdes=Hospital Last 3-4 Days:

    Get well soon wayne!
  8. brick

    brick Answers to "that guy."

    Re: Wayne (Excel) Gerdes=Hospital Last 3-4 Days:

    Yikes, that doesn't sound like any fun. I hope you're back on the road soon!
  9. HyChi

    HyChi Well-Known Member

    Re: Wayne (Excel) Gerdes=Hospital Last 3-4 Days:

    Wayne, I'll be sending out some healing energy your way. I hope that it helps you to let go of the pain and to heal more quickly.
  10. diamondlarry

    diamondlarry Super MPG Man/god :D

    Re: Wayne (Excel) Gerdes=Hospital Last 3-4 Days:

    I messed my back up when I was 16( a year or two ago;) :D ) so I have an idea of what your going through; haven't been in the hospital though. Get well soon! This is how we'd like to see you soon: :Banane03:
  11. laurieaw

    laurieaw Sorceress of the North

    Re: Wayne (Excel) Gerdes=Hospital Last 3-4 Days:

    owie. take it easy and come back soon, wayne!
  12. tigerhonaker

    tigerhonaker Platinum Contributor

    Re: Wayne (Excel) Gerdes=Hospital Last 3-4 Days:{UPDATE} 8:45 PM Friday



    Is released from Hospital and is 15-Minutes from his home: :woot:

  13. xcel

    xcel PZEV, there's nothing like it :) Staff Member

    Re: Wayne (Excel) Gerdes=Hospital Last 3-4 Days:{UPDATE} 8:45 PM Friday

    Hi All:

    ___Thank you for the kind words.

    ___Sorry I have not kept up the site like I normally would as news is really stale right now :(

    ___I was in Fire Training and we were ventilating the second floor of a burn tower we drill at. Full gear unfortunately :( The Electric Fan’s we use are ~ 40 - 50 #’s and I carried it up the stairs. I then came back down to grab a cinch type bar and hung that between the door jambs on the second floor entry to hang the fan from. One of the other members was on the side and I was in the front when we lifted the fan. My hook did not catch on my side so I swung around the side and even though she hooked, I felt something let go. A slight twist with a load over my head and that is all she wrote. I made it down just ½ a flight to the first landing before I locked up and couldn’t move … The instructors were right there and knew something was wrong, called off the drill, and helped me down the next few flights to an awaiting chair and ice packs. The Ambulance came, they loaded me up and off I went for the last 36 + hours … Hurt like a SOB and was sick after the morphine but made it through the night. Am home but I cannot sit in this chair to long as it is pain at a 90 degree angle.

    ___Good Luck

  14. Hot Georgia

    Hot Georgia Well-Known Member

    Re: Wayne (Excel) Gerdes=Hospital Last 3-4 Days:{UPDATE} 8:45 PM Friday

    We've sure missed you here. Take it easy and don't do too much.
    Hope for a speedy and complete recovery.....
  15. psyshack

    psyshack He who posts articles

    Re: Wayne (Excel) Gerdes=Hospital Last 3-4 Days:{UPDATE} 8:45 PM Friday

    get well Wayne....

  16. Pravus Prime

    Pravus Prime Banned

    Re: Wayne (Excel) Gerdes=Hospital Last 3-4 Days:{UPDATE} 8:45 PM Friday

    I pulled my back a few years ago. My best Wayne; hope your recovery is speedy.
  17. tarabell

    tarabell Well-Known Member

    Re: Wayne (Excel) Gerdes=Hospital Last 3-4 Days:{UPDATE} 8:45 PM Friday

    Wayne, your worker's comp rep should be having cold sweats and offering you personal backrubs with mink gloves right now.
    If not I'll be happy to drop them a line about at least 2 violations in both training and safety procedures....:cool:
  18. CitrusInsighter

    CitrusInsighter Well-Known Member

    Re: Wayne (Excel) Gerdes=Hospital Last 3-4 Days:{UPDATE} 8:45 PM Friday

    I'm glad to hear you're out of the hospital, and hope you are in less pain soon. I hope to see you at next week's meeting in a better condition.
  19. krousdb

    krousdb Defiant NX-74205

    Re: Wayne (Excel) Gerdes=Hospital Last 3-4 Days:{UPDATE} 8:45 PM Friday

    I have found that hypermiling accelerates the healing process. Maybe you can lay down in the passenger seat and I will take you for a 2000+ mile on one tank drive. :D Just need to borrow that Insight again....
  20. philmcneal

    philmcneal Has it been 10 years? Wow

    Re: Wayne (Excel) Gerdes=Hospital Last 3-4 Days:{UPDATE} 8:45 PM Friday

    i've never pulled my back before, and i lift heavy objects from time to time, so i do not know what's that's like.

    From your experience it sounds like your immobilized, glad you surivived through the worse! Hope you get to relax for your recovery.

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