Phil McNeal - Vancouver Autoshow in the morning ...

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by xcel, Jul 29, 2006.

  1. xcel

    xcel PZEV, there's nothing like it :) Staff Member

    Hi Phil:

    ___Bill called me this morning and wanted to make sure you knew about the Autoshow he is attending tomorrow in Vancouver. He gave me a name of the location but I do not remember what it was.

    ___Anyway, he is expecting you so let me know if you are going or not and I can get call him on his cel in the morning.

    ___Good Luck

  2. xcel

    xcel PZEV, there's nothing like it :) Staff Member

    Hi Phil:

    ___Bill called again but has not seen you at the event downtown yet? He said there are over 70,000 visitors so it might take you a while to find him. He will be there for another 3-1/2 hours and asked that I post and PM you in case you missed this thread this morning?

    ___Good Luck

  3. tigerhonaker

    tigerhonaker Platinum Contributor


    It is going to be Bad if Phil misses his chance to me Billy and see his Insight 1st hand.

  4. tbaleno

    tbaleno Well-Known Member

    It is a rare opportunity. The car is sooo nice.
  5. philmcneal

    philmcneal Has it been 10 years? Wow

    I had to miss it... work got the better of me sadly. This is the second time I've blown him off...

    Tell him sorry for any inconvience I may of caused

    I got pretty depressed over it... it wasn't meant to be

    because honestly I' would have invited him for dinner and we could talk about the things I missed at hybridfest

    ugh life licks

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