From there, it was go-go-go. A key feature of the Audi TDIs is outstanding cruising range? each of these vehicles can easily be driven more than...
Audi TDI - Truth In 48 - Celebratory Audi World Record dinner moves to Chartreuse, a post dinner liquore... Audi PR says, "Otherwise known as...
Audi TDI - Truth In 48 - A8 L Limos bringing team members to a lavish Manhattan steak restaurant.
Audi TDI - Truth In 48 - Saying goodbye to the mighty A6 TDI
Only casualty was a Kamikaze frog and Jill's nail.
Audi TDI - Truth In 48 - Saying goodbye to the mighty Q5 TDI
Audi TDI - Truth In 48 - Sebastian, Christian and Jay enjoying a dinner far beyond what most have experienced.
Audi TDI - Truth In 48 - Team members enjoying a very lavish night out on the town.
Audi TDI - Truth In 48 - Banner Ad
Audi TDI - Truth In 48 - Shell station to our left and the A7 TDI right behind.
Audi TDI - Truth In 48 - Q5 up front.
Audi TDI - Truth In 48 - The Audi TDIs after < 48 hours and > EPA highway to Cross the Continent
Audi TDI - Truth In 48 - The Central Missouri rest stop with a Rt. 66 mimic from the West Coast to IL. The Missouri section shown.
Audi TDI - Truth In 48 at an early morning rest stop in OH
Audi TDI - Truth In 48 - Sometimes someone's hand, lighting, poor shutter speed or generally a poor photographer (that would be me) wreaks havoc...
Audi TDI - Truth In 48 - The A6 TDI at 46.3 mpg just minutes from the finish.
Audi TDI - Truth In 48 - Refueling at the Shell in Effingham, IL
Audi TDI - Truth In 48 - Third refueling in Effingham, IL
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