Capacity?s Pluggable Hybrid Electric Terminal Tractor (PHETT) ? Quiet and Capable with low running costs thanks to the power of the plug. What...
Modern technology in today?s automobiles can cause engine rpm to increase slightly without warning, but don?t panic. There?s a reason for this and...
The real ?State of the Economy? from the rail industry?s perspective. The Association of American Railroads reported only moderate gains in...
2011 Honda CR-Z - 53.3 mpg over 378.6 miles with A/C runing the entire way...
2011 Honda CR-Z took 6.543 gallons over 431.0 miles = 65.872 mpg.
Prices are comparatively not so bad compared to past July 4th weekends? Crude Supply and Demand - On Wednesday, the EIA reported that Crude...
Final Drive Home - 56.7 mpg over 845.3 miles - aFCD w/ 1/3 of a tank still left
2011 Hyundai Sonata Review - Final Drive Home - 56.7 mpg over 845.3 miles - Trip A w/ 1/3 of a tank still left.
2011 Ford Fiesta w/ a 5-speed stick ? 85.0 mpg round trip loop and its star is shining brighter each and every day :) The Fiesta is the title...
President Barack Obama looks at an F-18 'Green Hornet' jet, a biofuel powered fighter jet, following remarks on energy security at Joint Base...
2011 Ford Super Duty Review - 35.0 mpg over a 96.4 mile RT drive.
First tank fillup - 21.269 Diesel+ 5.50 B99 Biodiesel over 715.2 miles = 26.72 mpgUS.
34.0 mpg over 81 miles - Super Duty FE Challenge.
Volvo V50 DRIVe in a Ridge Ride while on a European FE Challenge :) It has become trendy to drive Volvo cars economically. The company's many...
The Association of American Railroads (AAR) today reported that freight rail carloadings were down 15.3 percent in October 2009 (at 1,100,714...
Accord at 49.3 mpg over 96.8 miles -
2009 MAMA Fall Rally - Q7 28.3 mpg over 5.6 miles -
2009 MAMA Fall Rally - Prius-III 96.7 mpg over 5.6 miles -
2009 MAMA Fall Rally - Insight-II - 90.6 mpg over 5.2 miles -
2009 MAMA Fall Rally - 400S 30.1 mpg over 5 miles -
Separate names with a comma.