2012 Chevrolet Sonic - Initial and Final top off. 97.2 miles on 1.450 gallons = 67.03 mpgUS.
2012 Honda Civic Hybrid Second top off fill... Odometer study: 24.1 miles indicated with 25.0 mile markers actually traveled. (92.6 miles *...
2012 Honda Civic Hybrid First Top Off Fill
G. Schmitz' Mr. Joclain drops off the 2012 Honda Civic Hybrid for Review.
2011 Hyundai Elantra Limited - Initial and Final top off action and location.
2012 Honda Civic HF - Initial and Final Top Off Collage.
Top Off Fill in Columbus, MT.
Enough for 50K BPD or about .26% of the US? daily needs. Shell?s Auger Platform ? 170-miles off the coast floating at a water depth of 2,860?...
2011 Kia Optima Hybrid - Top Off Fill in Fredonia WI Collage.
Topping off at a Mobil in Fredonia, WI.
2011 Kia Optima Hybrid - Top Off in Gurnee IL
With new product competition from every direction heating up the various segments even faster than the rise of fuel prices at the pump, it is a...
2011 Chevrolet Volt at the Gas Station for final top off and measured fill.
2011 Chevrolet Volt Review - Dropped off by Steve Baran of G. Schmitz.
2011 Jeep GC dropping off the edge.
Second Calibration Top Off 0.944 gallons after 55.4 miles = 58.68mpg, not 64.5 as the aFCD showed :(
Topped off with 10.694 gallons in Bayside, WI.
2011 Chevrolet Cruze ECO - G. Scmitz Wayne Nelson Dropping off the keys.
Last shot of the Sunset over the Pacific in LA before heading back to drop off the car :(
2011 Hyundai Sonata Hybrid Challenge - Fill Details at the Exxon Station - Sonata Hybrid ? Bouquet - top off with 17.92 gallons.
Separate names with a comma.