2013 Lexus GS450h - 2.9L/100 km or 81 mpgUS.
7.2L per 100 Km after 1400 Km - 474 Km DTE
White OLED is now capable of 56 lumens-per-watt which proves that white OLED lighting devices can be made at low cost using ?solution-coatable?...
1.1L per 100 km
It seems unthinkable, but for the first time in human history, ice is on course to disappear entirely from the North Pole this year. The...
Detroit to Chicago - 84 mpg from top off to driveway. Manual calc's later.
2007 Honda Civic iCDTi Review - 950.1 km - 2.5L per 100 km at final fill.
2007 Honda Civic iCDTi Review - 84 kph - 2l per 100 km rain - eco lights and radio display.
From Bradlees to Parents to home - 87.11 mpg after 137.6 km.
2007 Honda Civic iCDTi Review - Back home from Detroit - 78.4 mpg - 592.5 km out. 1 -20 mph head/side winds, 50 miles of rain and plenty of...
2007 Honda Civic iCDTi Review- Chicago's Dan Ryan Stop and Crawl - 01:30 AM - 509 km out - 3.0L/100 km.
TORONTO -- Auto industry leaders took federal Industry Minister Maxime Bernier to task yesterday for the "feebate" scheme in the federal...
2254.4 miles at 1.4L per 100 KM on single tank of gas.
Bradlee - 1.3L per 100 KM - Practice run with hypermiling instructor.
Randall - Final Segment Day 3 - 1.4L per 100 KM.
Tank total - 1.5L per 100 km - 416.9 km
Tank total - 1.4L per 100 km - 219.7 km
Wayne Segment 3 - 1.4 L per 100 km - 62.5 km
Randall Segment 1 1.5L per 100 km - 94.7 km
1.5 l/100 kM - 156 mpg sustained ...
Separate names with a comma.