Ford Explorer Hybrid 4WD - OR - WA - ID - MT - Yellowstone - WY - Pronghorn
VW ID Trio In Venice Beach
Inn America Parking lot last night - Expedition pulled up and took one and a half (two) spots.
Inn America Parking lot last night - 2 spots jack @$$
Inn America Parking in Lewiston, ID last night - Non handicap in handicap and both kinked...
Caldwell. ID - Shell
2013 VW Passat TDI GUINNESS WORLD RECORD attempt - Idaho Border Collage - ID border - 5504 miles - 1184.9 miles on tank - 81.0 mpg on the tank.
2011 Kia Optima Hybrid and ID Mountains
2011 Kia Optima Hybrid in ID at sunset.
2011 Kia Optima Hybrid Drive - ID Border.
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