On the way to CA to visit family, a layover in Minneapolis saw a 29 year Delta vet retire. A fire truck sprays over the plane for his last taxi...
Delta?s TurnKey Serial PHEV ? No mention of its Plugin but with an 18 kWh pack, it has to??? Rather than entering the automobile electronics...
Victoria, BC, Canada -- Delta Hotels and Resorts kicked off the Delta Community Cruiser Tour, which will see six Delta employees embark on a...
Hobbit's Prius
Plug to Prius engine heater to allow instant EV mode
Hobbit's modified dashboard at Wayne's home. Dan's Prius in foreground
Hobbit's modified dashboard at Wayne's house
Billy's video cam display on top of the dash
Where Billy puts his Scangage II His mirrors are removed so getting in the way of mirror controls does not matter
How about this for emergency air braking?
Cruise Control on Billy's Insight - Wayne's house
Cruise Control on Billy's Insight at Wayne's house
Billy's video cam display on dashboard - left side
Separate names with a comma.