
If Toyota will not do it, maybe we should?

Shutting down a Prius at 91 mph? One man?s perspective. I was driving a tractor-trailer yesterday when I decided to pull into a Dunkin Donuts to grab a bagel. The TV was on and a news story caught my attention. A driver of a 2008 Prius on I-8 in California had a case of sudden acceleration. As a long time Prius owner, I was fully aware of the situation with Toyota but this was the first situation of its kind that occurred in a Gen 2 Prius that I heard about first hand. I haven't been very concerned about my car at least as of yet since I have nearly 216k miles on my 2005 Prius and nothing has happened yet.

If Toyota will not do it, maybe we should?
xcel, Mar 14, 2010
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