
CleanMPG's 2009 Green Car of the Year

The best way to describe the Tesla Roadster is its fast, its electric and it will never have to visit a gas station. With the capability to hit 60 in under 4 seconds, it satisfies the enthusiasts that could only use that capability to get into an accident yet offers the rest of us the knowledge that its all-electric drivetrain is the fastest way to true sustainability. Thanks to an all-new interior, the inside matches the outside with not only a look that says drive me but drive me a lot ;) With an up front cost of $101,500 minus the $7,500 tax credit, it will only be seen in the hands of the very well to due but thankfully, it forces that same buyer to drive fuel free vs. what he or she could have been driving ;)

CleanMPG's 2009 Green Car of the Year
xcel, Dec 29, 2009
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